Items that should not be cleaned regularly if you want to use them for a long time

Cleaning furniture, home regularly is very good is something everyone knows. But for some items, regular cleaning and hygiene is not good such as towels, microwaves, nightwear, jeans...

Cleaning furniture, home regularly is very good is something everyone knows. But for some items, regular cleaning and hygiene is not good such as towels, microwaves, nightwear, jeans.


Picture 1 of Items that should not be cleaned regularly if you want to use them for a long time

It is not necessary to wash the towels after each use, causing them to quickly deteriorate. After each use, you just need to dry the towel to ensure it is dry, and keep it in a cool place. Can be washed once a week.

Microwave oven

If you don't let food splash onto the oven's surface, you only need to deep clean your microwave 3 or 4 times a year. The heat when this device is operating can prevent bacteria from entering or killing them.

Wooden furniture

Using cleaning solutions to polish furniture causes the solution to accumulate on the wood surface and become a dust magnet, making the furniture dirty faster, fading the paint and looking older.


According to Dr., dermatologist Joshua Zeichner (in New Jersey, USA), clothes that come in contact with skin such as trousers, sweaters, blouses, bras and pajamas, if not sweaty or dirty, do not need to be washed immediately, but can be worn a second or third time.


In particular, over-washed sweaters can quickly lose their shape and become damaged.


Picture 2 of Items that should not be cleaned regularly if you want to use them for a long time

Jeans that are washed less will last longer and look better. You can wear jeans a few times, and some experts even recommend waiting 10 times before they need to be washed.


Wash your pajamas about once a week or every 3-4 days if you sweat while sleeping. Take a shower before bed to keep your clothes clean. But if you wear pajamas all day, you'll need to wash them more often.

Mobile phone

Your phone will be shiny if cleaned every day but it's not necessary. You should only use antibacterial wipes once a week and remember to wash your hands before touching the touch screen.


Sometimes working too hard is not good. For example, wipe the mirror every day with a glass cleaner spray because this causes dark spots to appear around the edges or even in the middle. It is best to clean the mirror only once a week to avoid this situation.

Clay teapot

Clay teapots tend to absorb the tea flavor and improve the taste of the drink after each brew. So, after each use, just rinse with hot water, not with detergent.

Update 24 July 2023


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