Intel launched Moblin 2.0 Beta operating system for netbooks

Intel has released an official test version of the open source Moblin 2.0 operating system designed specifically for netbooks.

Intel has released an official test version of the open source Moblin 2.0 operating system designed specifically for netbooks.

Moblin 2.0 is a Linux-based open source operating system designed specifically for low-configuration mini laptops. The Moblin 2.0 operating system will provide users with a completely new web browser, user interface and media player.

Picture 1 of Intel launched Moblin 2.0 Beta operating system for netbooks

User interface - MyZone

The user interface of the named MyZone operating system will display the user's current activities, calendar synchronization, recent job listings, .

Besides, the new web browser based on Mozilla's browser technology in the Clutter animation interface allows users to browse the web, embed video files, and use the latest applications. All functions are integrated on the user interface.

As for the music player, users can easily zoom in, zoom out, and the browser will activate all the stored music files, or view content from the online music store or search for music files on USB and other devices. network equipment,…

With the release of Moblin 2.0 Beta, Intel's Open Source Technology Center director, Imad Sousou, hopes to give netbook users a new experience on the Clutter animation interface and the powerful features of This operating system.

Furthermore, through this beta version, Intel also expects developers and hobbyists to discover the features and help the company discover security flaws to further improve before the main version. Final release.

Update 25 May 2019


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