Instructions on how to fix 'This workbook contains links to one or more external sources that could be unsafe' error in Excel

When working with Excel, you will easily encounter the error 'This workbook contains links to one or more external sources that may be unsafe' due to taking from many data sources. So how can I turn off the Update link notification panel and still keep my Excel file safe? Let's find out in this article.

How to fix "This workbook contains links to one or more external sources that could be unsafe" error 

When you open a file and this message appears, it means your file has corrupted links and Excel cannot update these links. To remove these links, please follow these steps.

Instructions on how to fix 'This workbook contains links to one or more external sources that could be unsafe' error in Excel Picture 1Instructions on how to fix 'This workbook contains links to one or more external sources that could be unsafe' error in Excel Picture 1

Step 1 : First, click on Enable Content in the notification. At this time, the message We can't update some of the links in your workbook right now appears, select Edit Links.

Or you can also select the Data tab on the Ribbon toolbar.

Then select Edit Links in the Connections section .

Step 2: At this point, the Edit Links dialog box appears with a list of broken links in your file. Click to select the link you want to delete then click Break Link .

Step 3: A notification about data results that will be affected if you delete this link appears. You continue to click Break Links. Just like that, we can delete the faulty link. Continue to select the next faulty links and then Break Links until there are no more faulty links.

Step 4 : Next, click on Startup Prompt.

At this time, the Startup Prompt dialog box appears. Click on Don't display the alert and don't update automatic links to not display the Update link message again when processing the Excel document later. Finally, click OK to complete.

Thus, the above article has shown you how to fix the error "This workbook contains links to one or more external sources that could be unsafe" in Excel files. Hope this article will be useful to you in your work process. Good luck!

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