Instructions for converting fonts with Unikey
Sometimes in the process of working with words in learning and work of each of us at least once encountered the case of font errors, or want to convert the font we often use to the required font.
Instructions for converting fonts with Unikey Picture 1
To convert fonts exactly as we want, we can use directly the built-in tool of Unikey percussion that many people do not notice, very fast and very easy to convert. will guide you how to convert fonts with Unikey Toolkit of Unikey.
Please follow these steps:
Step 1: Open the file containing the content to be converted font.
- Select (black out) the text to be converted, you can use Ctrl + A to select the entire text.
- Copy (Copy) selected text. Right-click the selected text and choose Copy (CTRL + C) or Cut (CTRL + X).
- Determine what type of text is typed? When selecting text to convert and looking at the bar Fomatting.
Please note the standards between the encoding and font as follows:
- TCVN3 charset is applied to .VN font format (Example: .VnTime; .VnArial).
- VNI Window encoding is applicable to VNI font format (Example: VNI-Times).
- Unicode (UTF-8) encoding, Telex typing, is applied to fonts like Times New Roman, which are usually available when installing the operating system.
Instructions for converting fonts with Unikey Picture 2
Step 2: Open the font conversion tool of Unikey.
Method 1: Use the key combination Ctrl_Shift_F6.
Method 2: Right-click the Unikey icon under the windows system tray (lower right corner of the screen), select Tools.
Instructions for converting fonts with Unikey Picture 3
Step 3: The font conversion dialog box, Unikey Toolkit , appears:
- Select the encoding Source : You choose the encoding of the original font file of the text to be converted (in the example, Times New Roman font is Unicode).
- Select Destination charset : You select the font charsets to be transferred.
- There are a number of options on the right for you to customize.
Instructions for converting fonts with Unikey Picture 4
After choosing the encoding for source and target files and some other options, click the Transcoding button .
Instructions for converting fonts with Unikey Picture 5
If you click on Transcode and you have not previously copied (copied) the text, the following message will appear:
Instructions for converting fonts with Unikey Picture 6
Successful transcoding dialog box:
Instructions for converting fonts with Unikey Picture 7
Click your mouse on the OK button , click the close button to close the Unikey Toolkit .
Step 4: Open a new page to edit, paste (paste) the text that has just changed font encoding.
Method 1: Ctrl + V key combination.
Method 2: Right-click and select Paste .
Instructions for converting fonts with Unikey Picture 8
So you have a text that has been converted font according to your requirements, the purpose of your study and work. Good luck!
To be able to use Unikey, your computer must have the Unikey installer, click here to download the latest version of Unikey.
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