How will Web 3.0 work?

The web 3.0 browser will analyze your response, search the Internet for possible answers and then return the results to you. So how does web 3.0 do it?

Jonathan Strickland

Network Administration - You decide to watch a movie and want to eat something after watching it. In this case, you will start the PC, open the web browser and access Google to search for information about theaters, cinemas and eateries. Next you need to know which movie will be shown in theaters near you, then you will spend a lot of time reading the brief instructions for each movie before making your choice. . Also, you want to see which restaurants are closest to the cinema. Therefore you will want to check customer reviews for restaurants. In short, you'll have to visit half a dozen websites before leaving the door.

Some Internet experts believe that the next generation of web - web 3.0 will perform tasks much like you search for movies, dishes in nearby shops faster and easier. Instead of having to do a lot of searches, you just need to type in one or two more complex sentences in the web 3.0 browser, and the rest of the web will do the rest for you. For example, you can type 'I want to watch a good movie and then eat at a delicious restaurant. What are my options? ' The web 3.0 browser will analyze your response, search the Internet for possible answers and then return the results to you.

However, that is not all. Experts also believe that web 3.0 browser can perform tasks like an assistant. When you search the web, the browser will know what you care about. The more you use the web, the more you know the browser and the more questions you need to ask. Finally, you can ask the browser to open questions like 'Where should I go for lunch?'. Then the browser will advise you what you like and dislike, take the place you are in and then suggest a list of restaurants.

In order to understand how web 3.0 works, we need to take a look at its development process.

The road to web 3.0

Outside of Internet buzzwords and jargon that make the transition to the public, "Web 2.0" can be best known. There are even many people who have heard about it but actually the number of people who know the meaning of Web 2.0 is not much. Some even argue that the term itself is almost a marketing trip designed to convince investors to invest millions of dollars in websites. This was true of the time when Dale Dougherty of O'Reilly Media approached the term, with no clear definition. There is not even any agreement if it is Web 1.0.

Picture 1 of How will Web 3.0 work?

YouTube is an example of Web 2.0

The rest of the people think that Web 2.0 is true. The features of Web 2.0 can be summarized:

  1. Visitors can make changes to the site: Amazon, for example, allows visitors to post comments that reflect the product. By using an online form, visitors can add information to this page so that later visitors can read them.
  1. Use websites to link people to other users: for example, social networking sites - Social networking - like Facebook and MySpace are popular in the public because they are very easy for users whenever they Search for other members to keep in touch.
  1. Effective and fast in sharing content: YouTube is a good example. A YouTube member can create a video then upload it to the site so that others can view it less than an hour later.
  1. New ways to gather information: Today, Internet users can subscribe to the RSS feeds of the site and receive new site notifications as long as they maintain an Internet connection.
  1. Expanding access to the Internet beyond computers: Many people can access the Internet through other devices like mobile phones or console panels in the game; a long time ago, some experts expected that customers would be able to access the Internet through their TV systems and other devices.

Consider Web 1.0 as a library. You can use it as a source of information, but you cannot contribute or change the information in any way. While Web 2.0 is like a big and familiar group of friends. You can still use it to gather information, but you can also use it to contribute to discussions and make it feel richer.

While there are still many people who still want to keep Web 2.0, some have started thinking about what will happen next. That is what Web 3.0 will be like. How will it be different from the web we are using today? Will it be a real revolution or is it just illusory that we won't be able to see the difference?

What do experts think about the next generation of the World Wide Web?

The basics of Web 3.0

Internet experts think Web 3.0 will be like a mentor for you, who knows everything about you and can access all the information on the Internet to answer any of your questions. Many compare Web 3.0 to a huge database. While Web 2.0 uses the Internet to make people-to-person connections, Web 3.0 will use the Internet to make information connections. Some experts believe that Web 3.0 will replace the current web platform while others believe it will exist as a separate network.

Picture 2 of How will Web 3.0 work?

Web 3.0 can help you simplify trip planning

Can take a simple example. Let's assume you are thinking about going on vacation. You will then want to visit some cool tropical coding locations. Have an amount of about $ 3,000 on hand. The place you want to live is a beautiful place but you don't want to lose too much money. Plus, you want a good quality flight.

With the web technology currently available, you have to do a lot of searching to find the best locations. Next you need to find the destination and decide which location is right for you. Then you have to visit two or three travel sites and compare flights with hotel rooms. With all that work, you will spend a lot of time watching all the results from the search engine. The whole process will take you up to several hours.

According to some Internet experts, with Web 3.0 you will be able to relax and allow the Internet to do all the work for you. You can use a search service and narrow your search parameters. The browser program then collects, analyzes and displays the data for you in a way that you can easily compare. This is possible because Web 3.0 is capable of understanding information on the web.

At the present time, when using the web search engine, this machine is not able to understand your search, but it only looks at websites that include the keywords you enter. Search engines cannot tell which websites are relevant to your search. It can only tell keywords that appear on the site. For example, if you perform a search with the term " Saturn " (Saturn), then you will get the results of planetary websites and some car manufacturers.

A search engine in Web 3.0 can not only find the keywords you need to search, but also interpret the content in your request. From there will return relevant results and suggest other content related to your search term. In our vacation example, if you typed the term 'Place of vacation under $ 3,000' to request a search, web browser 3.0 could include a list of favorite entertainment activities. or famous restaurants that are related to search results. It will handle the entire Internet as a database of information available for any query.

So how does Web 3.0 do that?

Implementation methods of Web 3.0

We, like you, will never know how exactly future technology will happen. In the case of Web 3.0, however, most Internet experts have an opinion about its common characteristics. They believe that with Web 3.0, users will have a unique Internet profile based on their browsing history. Web 3.0 will use this profile to adapt the browsing experience for each individual case. That means that if two different people have done an Internet search with the same keywords on the same service, they will get different results according to each person's profile.

Picture 3 of How will Web 3.0 work?

The technologies and software required for this type of application are still immature. Services like TiVO and Pandora provide personalized inputs based on user input, but both rely on a 'trial-and-error' method and are not as effective as What Web 3.0 expects. More importantly, both TiVO and Pandora have limited scope - TV shows and music - whereas Web 3.0 includes all the information on the Internet.

Some experts believe that Web 3.0's base will be APIs (Application Programming Interface). An API is an interface designed to allow developers to create applications to take advantage of a set of resources. Many Web 2.0 sites also have APIs to allow programmers to access site data. For example, Facebook's API allows developers to create programs to use Facebook as a platform for staging games, product reviews, fun quizzes and, .

A trend that Web 2.0 can support the development of Web 3.0 is the mashup term. Mashups are a combination of two or more applications in a single application. For example, a developer can combine a program to allow their users to rate restaurants through Google Maps. This new mashup application not only shows restaurant reviews, but also maps them so that users can view the restaurant's location. Some Internet experts believe that creating such mashups will be very easy in Web 3.0 so anyone can do it.

Other experts think Web 3.0 will start completely new. Instead of using HTML as a basic coding language, it will rely on certain languages ​​(unknown). Experts suggest that starting a new system would be easier than trying to change the current web technology. However, this version of Web 3.0 is only theoretical but completely unrealistic to be able to talk about how it works.

A person who has a lot of research on the World Wide Web has a theory about what the future of the web will look like. He called it the Semantic Web, many other Internet experts borrowed his research when talking about Web 3.0. So what exactly is the Semantic Web?

Semantic Web

Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989. He created an interface for the Internet and how people can share information with each other. Berners-Lee debated the existence of Web 2.0, arguing that it was no different from a meaningless term. Berners-Lee defended that he invented the World Wide Web to do everything that Web 2.0 was supposed to do.

Picture 4 of How will Web 3.0 work?

Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web

Berners-Lee's vision of the future web is similar to the concept of Web 3.0. It is called the Semantic Web. Until now, the structure of the web will be directed to people. Making it easy for people to visit and understand everything about that person. Computers can't do that, search engines can scan keywords, but can't understand how those keywords are used in the content of the page.

With Semantic Web, computers can scan and interpret information on the web using software agents . These software agents will be programs that can crawl on websites to search for relevant information. They can do that because the Semantic Web has a collection of information called O ntology . In the terminology of the Internet, an Ontology is a file used to define the relationships between a group of terms. For example, the term 'cousin' is the family relationship between two people with their grandparents or grandparents. The Semantic Web Ontology can define each family role like the following:

  1. Grandparents: Those who gave birth to two generations
  2. Parents: People who have given birth to a generation
  3. Brother or sister: People with parents
  4. Grandson or niece: Child of siblings, brothers and sisters in a family
  5. Aunt, uncle or uncle: A parent or an older brother of a parent
  6. Cousins: Children of aunt, uncle, uncle, uncle

In order for the Semantic Web to be effective, the Ontologies must be detailed and comprehensive. In Berners-Lee's concept, they will exist in a metadata form ( metadata ). Metadata is information that contains code for hidden web pages for humans but can be read by computers.

Building ontologies takes a lot of time. In fact, that is a major obstacle that the Semantic Web faces. Are people willing to make the effort necessary to create comprehensive ontologies for websites? Will they maintain them when the website changes? Critics suggest that the task of creating and maintaining such complex files takes up too much work for most people.

In other words, some people really like to label or tag web objects and information. Web tags categorize objects and tagged information. Some blogs contain a tag option, which makes it easier to categorize items within a certain topic. Image-sharing sites like Flickr allow users to attach images to photos. Google also uses that in the game: Google Image Labeler saves two people against each other in a glorious fight. Each player wants to create the largest number of related tags for a series of photos. According to some experts, Web 3.0 will be able to search for tags and labels, then return the most relevant results for users. Perhaps Web 3.0 will combine Berners-Lee's Semantic Web concept and Web 2.0's tagging culture.

Although Web 3.0 is only theoretical but nothing can make people stop speculating about what will happen next.

Beyond Web 3.0

Everything that we call the next generation of the web, what will happen after that? A kind of theory from predictions intended to sound almost like science fiction films.

Picture 5 of How will Web 3.0 work?

Paul Otellini, CEO and president of Intel discussed the importance of mobile devices on the web at an electronic show before international customers in 2008.

This is one of those judgments:

  1. According to a technology expert and owner of a business, Nova Spivack, the development of the Web will change every 10 years. In the first decade of the web, most of the development focused on the back end, or Web infrastructure. Programmers have created protocols and code languages ​​that we can use to create web pages. In the second decade, the focus was directed on the front end and the Web 2.0 era began. Now, people use websites as a platform to run their applications. They also create mashups and test ways to make the web feel more interactive. We are currently in the final years of the Web 2.0 cycle. The next cycle will be Web 3.0 and its focus will be directed back to the back end. Developers redefine the Internet infrastructure to support the superior features of web 3.0 browsers. When that phase is over, we will move to the web 4.0 era. The focus is now returning to the front end, and we will see thousands of new programs using Web 3.0 as a base.
  1. Web will switch to three-dimensional environment. Rather than Web 3.0, we will see a 3D Web. Combining virtual components with the online worlds of online games, the Web can become a digital 'Landscape' to incorporate the illusion problem. You will navigate the web from a perspective perspective first or through your own presence called an avatar.
  1. The Web will build on the development of distributed computing and create an authentic artificial mind. In distributed computing, some computers handle a large processing job. Each computer manages a small part of the entire task. Some people believe that the web will be able to think by distributing workloads on thousands of computers and deep reference to ontologies. The web will become a giant brain capable of analyzing data and extrapolating new ideas based on that information.
  1. The Web will expand beyond computers and mobile phones. Everything from watching TV to clothing will connect to the Internet. Users will have a 'constant' connection to the web, otherwise. Each user's software agent will learn more about its user perspective by observing his actions. This can lead to arguments about the balance between privacy and the benefits of a personalized browsing experience.
  1. The Web will merge with other entertainment forms until all the differences between the media forms are gone. Radio shows, TV shows and movies will be web-based as a distribution system.

It's still too early to tell which future version of the web will take place. It is possible that the real future of the web is far beyond what was predicted. Obviously we can only hope that over time and the future of the web will become better and better.

Update 25 May 2019


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