Internet - Something to know
Vi on the Net for hours every day working as well as entertaining, but really how much do you understand the Internet? Have you ever wondered why the Internet was born, where, and who created it? How big is the 'global network' really? How many people are using the Net like you?
The following questions and answers will help you better understand the global network - Internet.
1. Who created the word 'Word Wide Web'?
World Wide Web, abbreviations www. always comes with the website address created by Tim Berners-Lee, in 1990.
2. How was the Internet born, and why?
The origins of the Internet were shared IBM computers in the 1960s at universities like Dartmouth and Berkeley, USA. Computers at that time were still rare, and many students / professors had to share one. The first satellite of humanity, Spunik also "contributed" to the birth of the Internet - shortly after the Soviet Union successfully launched the satellite in 1957, US President Eisenhower established ARPA to accelerate the development of computer networks and the media.
3. Who is born on the Internet?
Some people participate in the process of Internet formation, and all are considered the father of this global network. However, JCR Licklider is considered the birth of the concept of the global network, with the concept of 'Galatic Network' published in 1962. He also participated in the construction of the ARPANET network, the precursor of Internet today.
4. What is ARPANET?
ARPANET - the ' Advance Research Project Agency Network ', translates the ' Agency Research Network with High-Level Projects ' - created by the Cold War and the launch of Spunik. The US Department of Defense needs to have a way of communicating and sharing data between computers during the research and development process, and is also the most convenient way to stay in touch in case of being attacked by . nuclear bombs - Typical scenario of the Cold War!
5. What is Ethernet?
Is a method of communication between computers in the network, derived from the idea of Bob Metcalfe, at Harvard University.
6. When did the first computer mouse appear?
You can surf the web with the keyboard, but it won't be as comfortable and convenient as using a mouse. The first computer mouse was released in 1968 at the Fall Joint Fair, San Francisco, USA.
7. Who thinks of the term 'information superhighway'?
Nam June Paik was the first to use the term 'information superhighway' in 1974. However, Al Gore, the current Vice President of the United States, is the one who disseminates and syncs 'information superhighway' with Internet in the early 1990s.
8. When did the Internet really explode?
In the early 1990s, the Internet really flourished, shaped like it has been since 1993.
9. How fast is the Internet growing?
Very fast! Radio took 38 years to reach 50 million users, 13 years for TVs, and only 5 years for the Internet. (
10. What is the specific number of current Internet users?
35% of Internet users speak English, 65% are other languages with 14% of which speak Chinese. Only 13% of the world population, but North America accounts for nearly 70% of Internet users.
Internet - Something to know Picture 1 11. Which country has the highest Internet population rate?
Not America or Germany, but Sweden with 75% of the population having access to the global network.
12. How big is the internet world?
The Google search engine indexing system indicates that the website number has reached . 8 billion!
13. When did the first website catalog system appear?
It's Google! Previously, Google was named Backrub. Larry Page and Sergey Brin used this name from the birth of the search service in 1996, and only changed to Google as we know it today in 1998. The word Google itself is Googol's "speaking word", its name. numbers include 1 and 100 digit digits followed.
14. What does HTTP mean?
HyperText Transfer Protocol - temporarily translate 'hypertext transfer protocol'. That is the name of the data transfer protocol over the network, requiring two end programs: HTTP server and client. This is the underlying protocol for websites that exist.
15. What is an ISP?
Internet Service Provider - Internet service provider.
16. What is HTML?
Hypertext Markup Language - is the name of the programming language that makes web pages and switches over the network with the HTTP protocol.
17. What does a regular Internet user do?
According to Nielsen NetRatings, an Internet statistics organization, you visit 59 different websites each month, see 1050 pages, spend 45 seconds for each site and an average of 25 hours to do the whole thing. Every time you sit on the web surfing machine takes 51 minutes.
The Internet global network, as anyone has said, is 'immortal'. The Internet is just over the age of 30, have you ever imagined how the Internet would be in 100 years, 1000 years? Time will answer…
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