How to use Chrome's new AI features

Google Chrome has added AI features to its arsenal, promising to make your browsing experience smoother and more unique.

But every browser has an AI feature, so what makes Chrome's new AI feature worth using?

How to enable Google Chrome's AI feature

For better or worse, AI is everywhere today. With the proliferation of AI tools, the winning trump card isn't just having the best AI technology; it's also about seamlessly integrating that technology into everyday applications. Google Chrome is making this a reality. With the latest updates, Chrome has received AI features that simplify and enhance your online experience.

Chrome's AI tools are still marked as experimental, meaning they are under active development and will change in the future. Furthermore, at the time of writing, this tool is not available to everyone. Usability does not follow a clear logic.

To make sure you don't miss out on AI features, update your Google Chrome to the latest version. Once you're on the latest version, here's how you can enable Google Chrome's AI features:

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  1. Click the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of your Chrome browser.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. In the left menu, go to Experimental AI. If you can't find it, then you're out of luck. There's also no secret Chrome flag to enable these experimental AI features.
  4. Locate the features and toggle them to the on position.

Features are subtly included in the menu and you have to search hard to use them.

At the time of writing, Google Chrome's AI features provide three functions: Theme generation, tab arrangement, and text generation. Let's take a closer look.

How to personalize Google Chrome with AI themes

Although the Google Chrome community offers many themes for the browser, there is no theme that suits you better than the one you create yourself. Chrome's AI makes it easy to create custom themes. All you need to do is enter the prompt and choose a style.

Many of us spend a significant amount of time using Google Chrome. It's natural that browser themes and colors can influence our thinking somehow.

How to quickly organize Google tabs using AI

We all know the annoying feeling of having to open dozens of tabs. Having multiple Chrome tabs open takes a toll on your computer's RAM, and the chaos of having too many tabs makes it difficult to keep track of what you're doing. Chrome's AI aims to bring order to the chaotic tab bar by organizing them into labeled groups based on their context, similar to Microsoft Copilot. Here's how you can organize tabs using Chrome's AI:

1. Right click on any Chrome tab.

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2. Select Organize similar tabs from the menu.

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3. Edit the tab group name and select Create group. Only one group appears at a time.

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With that, Chrome will organize your tabs and label each group of tabs. If you tend to multitask unproductively, this feature is really useful. Having different themes grouped separately will help you focus on your work without having to close other tabs and worry about losing progress.

How to write anywhere with Google Chrome's AI

AI chatbots are great tools for text generation. They're useful, whether you're composing an email, drafting a post, or filling out a form. However, there's usually a small inconvenience: You have to open the AI ​​tool in a separate tab, create the text, and then return to the website to paste the results. Chrome's AI eliminates the extra step and helps you write anything on any text field. Here's how:

1. Right-click any text field in Chrome.

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2. Select Help me write.

3. Enter a prompt that describes what you want to write.

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4. Click Create.

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After Chrome creates the text, click Insert to add it to the text field on the right. If necessary, you can modify the text by clicking the Length and Tone drop-down menus to adjust these parameters. The same AI reminding techniques work here too, so expect better results with better reminders.

Although experimental, Google Chrome's AI features still offer some promising functionality. While it doesn't offer anything innovative or unprecedented, integrating these AI features into Chrome provides subtle convenience and enhances the overall browsing experience.

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