How to use and maintain cement tiles

Get a shiny, fresh, vibrant brick background that will add beauty to your new home

Get a fresh, vibrant, glossy tile background that will add beauty to your new home. Please follow the instructions on how to use and maintain them properly and fully, then your cement tile floor will achieve what you want.

Picture 1 of How to use and maintain cement tiles
How to use and maintain cement tiles

How to preserve cement tiles?

If you do not need to use cement tiles immediately, you need to immediately carry out the cement tile maintenance process as follows:

  1. Brick must be placed in a flat, cool and covered place.
  2. I have to go to the country every 2 days. When watering is finished, cover the bricks with a sheet to prevent sunlight and wind from entering any bricks.
  3. Maintain as above until the brick is put into use. If done incorrectly, the brick will be cracked, so it is necessary to properly maintain the construction contractors and users.
  4. The most important thing you need to pay attention to is not to use any oils or cleaning chemicals to apply to the tile surface, only use the specialized wax provided by the facility, if you apply the wrong oils, then the tile will be later. will peel and fade.

Pay attention when laying cement tiles 

Picture 2 of How to use and maintain cement tiles
Rub grout with white cement or grout powder

  1. When laying cement tiles, you should put them in the last stage of the project. If paving first, it will dirty the tile surface and will hinder the polishing process later.
  2. When the tile is finished, after about 3 days, you proceed to rub the tile. You can grout the tile with white cement or use a grout that matches the color of the tile. 
  3. Pour the diluted white cement or grout powder on the tile floor and then drive it into the grooves between the bricks carefully. If you don't wipe it clean, later on, the tile will be white moldy and it will interfere with the polishing process.
  4. About 5-6 days later, use clean water to pour on the brick floor a lot.
  5. Use fine sandpaper to hit the stains that stick to the tile surface. Then use a clean cloth to wipe it thoroughly and wait until the tile is completely dry before starting the polishing process.

Note: Do not use rain water to clean tiles.

How to polish cement tiles

  1. Use the specialized wax of the supplier, apply a thin layer to the tile surface, wait for about 2 minutes, then start the polishing process.
  2. Use a clean, soft, smooth cloth to beat hard on the surface of the tile until the shiny veins emerge.
  3. If you want your tiles to quickly shine, you need to work hard to wipe the water several times a day on the tile floor.
Update 08 May 2023


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