How to put Control Panel in the right-click menu on Windows 10

There are several ways to open Control Panel in Windows 10, such as from the Start Menu or Windows Search. This article from TipsMake will show you how to access it faster.

To add Control Panel to the right-click menu on Windows 10, you need to edit the Windows Registry. Because the Registry is very important, mistakes can cause system errors or data loss.

How to put Control Panel in the right-click menu on Windows 10

Step 1 : Press Windows + R to open Run , type Regedit , then press Enter .

How to put Control Panel in the right-click menu on Windows 10 Picture 1How to put Control Panel in the right-click menu on Windows 10 Picture 1

Step 2:  In Registry Editor , navigate to:  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryBackgroundshell.

How to put Control Panel in the right-click menu on Windows 10 Picture 2How to put Control Panel in the right-click menu on Windows 10 Picture 2

Step 3:  In shell , right-click, select New > Key , name Control Panel .

How to put Control Panel in the right-click menu on Windows 10 Picture 3How to put Control Panel in the right-click menu on Windows 10 Picture 3

Step 4:  Select Control Panel , double-click Default in the right column.

In the Edit String window , enter Value data : rundll32.exe shell32.dll, Control_RunDLL. Click OK to save.

How to put Control Panel in the right-click menu on Windows 10 Picture 4How to put Control Panel in the right-click menu on Windows 10 Picture 4

You have added Control Panel to the right-click menu on Windows 10.

To test, right-click on the desktop. If Control Panel appears in the menu, the process was successful.

How to put Control Panel in the right-click menu on Windows 10 Picture 5How to put Control Panel in the right-click menu on Windows 10 Picture 5

To remove Control Panel from the right-click menu, open Registry Editor , navigate to:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryBackgroundshellControl Panel

Right-click Control Panel , select Delete , and then confirm deletion.

How to put Control Panel in the right-click menu on Windows 10 Picture 6How to put Control Panel in the right-click menu on Windows 10 Picture 6

Above is the guide to add Control Panel to the right-click menu on Windows 10. With just a few steps, you can quickly open Control Panel with two clicks. You can also refer to how to  add applications to the right-click menu  on TipsMake.

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