How to Install and Uninstall RPM

Many GNU/Linux distributions use the popular Redhat Package Manager (RPM) distribution system to install or remove programs. Surely everyone who uses Linux at some point wants to install additional software on their computer, or remove a program that comes with their version of Linux. Although installing new software can be quite complicated and confusing, RPM will help you perform that difficult task with just one simple command.


How to Install and Uninstall RPM Picture 1How to Install and Uninstall RPM Picture 1

Download the RPM package you want to install. There are many repositories of RPM packages on the Internet, but if you want to download Red Hat RPM packages, you can find them here:

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation media, contains many RPM packages that you can install.

RPM repository with YUM package management tool.

Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) provides high-quality upgrade packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

How to Install and Uninstall RPM Picture 2How to Install and Uninstall RPM Picture 2

Install the RPM package. Once downloaded, you have two options:

Double-click the RPM package, a software package management window will appear and guide you through the installation process.

Open a command line window (terminal) and enter rpm -i *package_location_and_name*(no space between the two sides of the word and )


How to Install and Uninstall RPM Picture 3How to Install and Uninstall RPM Picture 3

Open a terminal and enter: rpm -e *package_name* . Do not enter the file extension name. For example:rpm -e gedit

rpm code

How to Install and Uninstall RPM Picture 4How to Install and Uninstall RPM Picture 4

Below is some rpm -i command syntax.

How to Install and Uninstall RPM Picture 5How to Install and Uninstall RPM Picture 5

Install specific options:

-h (or --hash) Display pound signs ("#") during installation

--test Perform Only tests the installation

--percent Show percentage during installation

--excludedocs Do not install included documents

--includedocs Install included documents

--replacepkgs Install a new copy over the previously installed package

--replacefiles Overwrite other package's files

--force Ignore packet-file conflict errors

--noscripts Do not display commands before and after installation

--prefix Pass packets in if possible

--ignoresearch Do not check the package structure

--ignoreos Do not check the package's operating system

--nodeps Do not check for dependent packages

--ftpproxy Use as FTP cache

--ftpport Use as FTP protocol port

How to Install and Uninstall RPM Picture 6How to Install and Uninstall RPM Picture 6

General options

-v Show more information

-vv Displays error finding and troubleshooting information

--root Set alternative root for

--rcfile Set replacement rpmrc file for

--dbpath Use to find the database

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