How to Get More Likes on Instagram Photos

Instagram is a great way to share memorable moments with friends, family, or random followers. If you post a lot of photos but don't get as many likes as you'd like, follow these steps to get more likes.

Use Hashtags

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Hashtags are a simple way to categorize your photos by keywords. Hashtags help your photos be seen by more people and get more likes. Using multiple hashtags increases the chances of your photo being viewed and shared.

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Use as many hashtags as possible for each photo. For example, if you have a photo of a Wiener dog, you can use the hashtags #wienerdog, #dog, and #pet.

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Use the most popular hashtags. Some popular hashtags are #love, #me, #cute, #friday and #coffee.

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Search for a list of trending hashtags and use one of them. Keep in mind that using popular hashtags means your photos are more likely to get scrolled down.

You can add hashtags #likeforlike or #like4like and like as many photos as possible. Not everyone will like your photos back, but you'll at least get a few likes.

Add Filter

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Add filters to photos. This means using the app to edit and add filters to photos. Early-bird, X-Proll, Aviary, and Valencia are popular filters that make photos unique.

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Use the app on your phone to make your photos look attractive and special. Camera+, Pro HDR, Snap-seed, and Pixlr-o-matic are great apps.

Search for Images People Want to See

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Post photos accurately. Usually people will post random things, like their lunch, their cat, or an empty beer bottle. However, if you want more likes, you have to turn Instagram into an art exhibition. The purpose of this is to post the best, highest quality photos to get more likes on Instagram. The following types of photos can attract many people:

Never post 3 similar photos in a row. Choose the best one.

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Post your best photos taken with family and friends.

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Post photos with a unique perspective. People like unique things that they have never seen before.

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Post photos of pets. The best photo of your puppy or kitten is sure to be loved. Make sure your pet is doing something funny in the photo.

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Don't post too many photos of food. Everyone does it, so just post nice pictures.

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Stitch multiple photos together using an app like Diptic. This way, you will have a chance to get more likes. You can combine 4 similar photos into one frame. Or combine different stages of a trip into the same photo.

Show Community

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Be an active member of the Instagram community to get likes and comments. If you like and comment on other people's photos, other people will do the same. If you never look at your followers' photos, others won't either.

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To get more likes, like random people's photos.

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Visit other users' profiles (those who follow more people than they have). Like 15-20 of their photos. If they pay attention to you, they may like your photo and follow you!

Photo Posting Time

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Post photos at the right time. You can post the most amazing photo in the world, but no one will like it if you post it at midnight. Your photo will receive the most responses in the first few hours, so plan carefully. Here are a few times you should post photos:

Post photos in the middle of the day, when people are bored with work and surfing the web. Don't post photos early in the morning, at 5 or 6 a.m., because most people are too busy at that time to notice your photos.

Post photos after dinner. People will surf the web when they finish dinner.

Post photos on special occasions. Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine's Day are good times to post photos. Even though some people may be busy celebrating the holidays, they are more likely to watch and enjoy them.

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Don't post photos on Friday and Saturday nights. People can see the photos, but they don't want to admit that they have nothing to do but scroll through Instagram.

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After posting the photo, comment on a friend's photo. Like a few photos to attract attention.

Create Links

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Link your Instagram account to your Facebook account. This only takes a few minutes but will get your photo seen by more people.

Using Other Applications

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Use other applications. The Apple App Store and Google Play Store contain hundreds of apps you can use to like photos, earn "coins," and use them to buy likes. Search for the app on the App Store or Google Play Store by entering the keywords "Get Likes" "Get Likes on Instagram," or "Likes on Instagram."

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Get the app. See user reviews and decide which app is most trustworthy. Once you have selected the application, download it.

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Log in to your Instagram account.

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Start liking other people's photos. Apps often have a skip button, which you can use to skip photos you don't like.

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Use coins to buy favorites. Note that the app sometimes doesn't transfer 100% of the favorites you purchase.

Update 13 November 2023


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