Cut from box A8 to N13 to the new sheet Quantrimang
Then, in cell A1, sheet Quantrimang, enter the cell address with the number to read. By typing =, then clicking on the cell with the number in Sheet1, in this example is B1, then cell A1 will be = Sheet1! B1 .
How to convert money into words in Excel, without an add-in, supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Excel Picture 2
Next, in the box read the number in words (B2) on Sheet1, type =, click on the reading box in the sheet Quantrimang, here is B6, then cell B2 will be "= Quantrimang! B6".
How to convert money into words in Excel, without an add-in, supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Excel Picture 3
Cell B3 (read into money) on Sheet1, type =, point to cell B6 of sheet Quantrimang, add & "dong. /." , this cell B3 will be = Quantrimang! B6 & "dong. /.".
How to convert money into words in Excel, without an add-in, supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Excel Picture 4
After doing all of the above, you just need to type the number in cell B1 in Sheet1, the remaining operations will be performed automatically.
It sounds like a mess, but it is easy to download files to do.
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Wishing you a successful change of numbers!