How to convert uppercase to lowercase letters on Excel with Unikey
In the process of working with Excel, there will be times when you need to convert lowercase letters to all uppercase letters, or switch from uppercase letters to lowercase letters, then use Unikey.
Unikey is a tool to support Vietnamese typing popular with users, especially when you work with office software Word, Excel, . Besides helping you type Vietnamese, Unikey also owns some Other useful features such as transcoding fonts, converting text with unsigned accents or converting from lowercase to uppercase or vice versa that the Network Administrator will introduce to you in this article.
The usual way to switch between lowercase and uppercase letters in Excel is to use the Upper or Lower functions. However, some users experience font error status, or the text is not converted completely when using the function. Signed vowels will not be converted, affecting the Excel content at work. So we can use Unikey to convert lowercase letters to uppercase and vice versa on Excel.
Video tutorial to change lowercase letters in Excel
How to use Unikey to change uppercase letters to lowercase Excel
We will take the example below. The text in the table is leaving the typeface not together, and you will move the whole text to uppercase.
How to convert uppercase to lowercase letters on Excel with Unikey Picture 1
Step 1:
First, we black out the entire data area we want to convert from lowercase to uppercase and right-click and choose Copy .
How to convert uppercase to lowercase letters on Excel with Unikey Picture 2
Step 2:
You right-click on the Unikey icon in the system tray and select Tools .
How to convert uppercase to lowercase letters on Excel with Unikey Picture 3
Step 3:
The Unikey Toolkit dialog interface appears. Here the Source Code section selects Unicode , the Destination section also selects Unicode . Next, you will select the option Select to uppercase in the Selection section.
Finally, click Transcode and then click Close . The conversion process will take place shortly thereafter.
How to convert uppercase to lowercase letters on Excel with Unikey Picture 4
Step 4:
Finally, you will switch to a new Sheet on Excel and right-click and choose Paste .
How to convert uppercase to lowercase letters on Excel with Unikey Picture 5
When the message appears as shown below, click OK to switch to capital letters.
How to convert uppercase to lowercase letters on Excel with Unikey Picture 6
The entire Excel content in lowercase will be converted to capital letters as shown below. The text will be converted completely to uppercase letters, without the vowel status still in lowercase.
However, the font and table formats will be deleted, so you will have to reformat it.
How to convert uppercase to lowercase letters on Excel with Unikey Picture 7
Step 5:
In case you want to transfer all letters from uppercase letters to lowercase letters, you just need to select Print to normal as shown below. The remaining steps are similar to when switching from lowercase to uppercase.
How to convert uppercase to lowercase letters on Excel with Unikey Picture 8
Above is how to convert from lowercase to uppercase and vice versa with Unikey without a font error. When using Unikey, the letters will be converted evenly into uppercase letters without error with a signed negative integer.
I wish you all success!
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