How to Block Porn Sites on Computer

If you go to the internet, especially when using Bing or Google, you will probably come across pornographic images. You don't want to watch them, and your kids certainly shouldn't watch them either. This article will show you some ways to stop this unhealthy trend and enjoy a more humane Internet. Luckily, it only takes a few clicks and actions to block porn sites.

Google Safe Search

Picture 1 of How to Block Porn Sites on Computer

Visit the Search Settings website . Right at the top of the page, you'll see the SafeSearch filter. Check "Filter explicit results" to switch to safe search mode.

The right settings will keep pornographic images out of your search; Even suggestive searches, like the word "sex," will yield suggestive images, but no more than you might see on network television.

Picture 2 of How to Block Porn Sites on Computer

Lock SafeSearch settings. Having a filter is nice, but any 12 year old (maybe not all) will show you how to easily bypass the simple settings. For added protection, you can lock SafeSearch settings, and the program will require you to sign in to change them. From the Settings page, tap SafeSearch Lock as shown above:

You need to sign in with your account and password, SafeSearch will be active until you turn it off. What's more, you'll know right away if it's working: large colorful orbs will appear at the top right of the screen when SafeSearch Lock is on.

Picture 3 of How to Block Porn Sites on Computer

Save your selections. When you're done adjusting your SafeSearch settings, make sure to tap the Save button at the bottom of the screen or your selection won't be saved.

Bing Safe Search

Picture 4 of How to Block Porn Sites on Computer

Visit the SafeSearch website . At the top of the screen, you'll see the SafeSearch filter. Default setting is at moderate level. Click on the top button to set the filtering level to high.

Unlike Google, Bing's high filter setting will block everything. For example, when searching for the word "sex," Bing will return no results. That means Bing doesn't filter the result content but blocks the search entirely. Depending on your feelings, this can be good or bad. Regardless, there are clear differences between Bing and Google searches.

Note: Bing does not support high filtering levels.

Picture 5 of How to Block Porn Sites on Computer

Save your selections. When you're done adjusting your SafeSearch settings, make sure to press the green Save button at the bottom of the screen, or your selection won't be saved.

Microsoft Family Safety software

Picture 6 of How to Block Porn Sites on Computer

Visit the Family Safety website . You can access from any computer. Follow the steps and log in.

Picture 7 of How to Block Porn Sites on Computer

Download the Family Safety filter to your computer. This software must be installed on the computers you want to protect. It will control your child using the safety settings you choose.

Picture 8 of How to Block Porn Sites on Computer

Check to see if Family Safety software is installed. Some versions of Windows 7 have this software pre-installed. To check, click the Start button , then click All Programs, then click Windows Live , and if the software is already installed, you'll see Windows Live Family Safety .

If Family Safety software is not installed, go to the download page of the Windows Live Family Safety website and click Download . Follow the prompts to install Family Safety.

Picture 9 of How to Block Porn Sites on Computer

Log in. Using a Windows Live account, log in and select "primary parent", the installation administrator. You will not be able to change this setting. If you don't have a Windows Live account, you need to register to use it.

Picture 10 of How to Block Porn Sites on Computer

Choose who you want to control. Check the box in front of the Windows account of each family member you want to control, then click Next or Save .

To control someone not on the list, you need to create a new Windows account. Microsoft recommends that each family member have their own Windows account.

Turn off guest accounts because children will use this account to avoid being filtered when searching for information.

Picture 11 of How to Block Porn Sites on Computer

Merge accounts. If this is your first time using Family Safety, skip this step.

If you're already using Family Safety, associate each Windows account with the family member's name in the list. If the Windows account does not have a corresponding name in Family Safety, select it to add it.

When finished, make sure you press the Save button .

Picture 12 of How to Block Porn Sites on Computer

Add password. If you don't have a password for your Windows admin account or accounts that you don't control with Family Safety, you'll see a screen that says Add passwords. Click Add passwords.

Picture 13 of How to Block Porn Sites on Computer

Confirm installation. Click Next , you will see the Windows accounts controlled by Family Safety software on your computer.

It is important that Windows accounts have a password. Otherwise, your child can log into that account without being controlled by Family Safety settings, visit websites you don't want them to see, and you won't see a report of their online activity.

Open DNS

Picture 14 of How to Block Porn Sites on Computer

Sign up for OpenDNS . If you want to filter what is visible or invisible on the Internet, you can use OpenDNS software. Schools and government offices often use this method, and there are free options for you to use.

Picture 15 of How to Block Porn Sites on Computer

Create Account. After creating your account, adjust your internet settings to use OpenDNS's IP address as your server domain name. You can customize information filtering options.

Commercial Software

Picture 16 of How to Block Porn Sites on Computer

Use professional software to block pornographic images. They can block porn or unwanted websites on your computer. Popular programs include:


Stop Procrastinating App


Net Nanny

Covenant Eyes

Picture 17 of How to Block Porn Sites on Computer

Pay attention to the features. There are many programs of this type. Most quality programs have the following features:

Works on all web browsers such as: IE, Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome.

There is password protection so only the administrator can open the lock.

A list of filter criteria is available.

There is a hand-picked list of unblocked websites.

If you have an Apple Mac OS X computer, make sure the website filtering program you purchase is compatible with your version of Mac OS.

Picture 18 of How to Block Porn Sites on Computer

Install the program from an administrator account. To remove the filter program or change the configuration, the program will ask for an administrative password.

Windows Host

Picture 19 of How to Block Porn Sites on Computer

Change the windows hosts file.

Locate the HOSTS file. The hosts file is located in different places depending on the version of Windows.

For versions XP/VISTA/7, this file is located in the directory path C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32DRIVERSETC.

For Windows 2000 versions, the hosts file is located in the C:WINNTSYSTEM32DRIVERSETC or C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32DRIVERSETC folder, depending on the state of your Windows installation.

To view file contents, go to the folder containing the file and double-click the file. You will be asked whether you want to find a program to open files on the internet or want to open with a program in the list. Select open with a program in the list to use Notepad. You can see all the websites that are being blocked.

To block a site manually, run to the bottom of the file and type a new line '' without using quotes. This will block the sites you want to block. Repeat this process for any websites you want to block and save by going to File>Save.

Update 25 October 2023


Mac OS X



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