How does the word in Microsoft Word jump?

When you enter the content in Word, there is a spelling error, although we do not press Enter or adjust the Vietnamese typing tool on the machine. This may be due to problematic auto-spacing in Word.

Your Word editing tool suddenly jumps between words without any reason. You have tried to edit the Vietnamese typing tool set on your computer like Vietkey or Unikey, but it doesn't work. But the situation still happens, the words still have a gap that affects the processing of our text content. This error is caused by auto-spacing between words and pre-set sentences in Word. So how can I fix the error of word spacing in Word? If you still do not know how to fix the error, please refer to the following implementation of Network Administrator.

Step 1:

First of all, you need to open Microsoft Word on the computer. At the main interface, click on the Office icon in the top left corner of the interface.

How does the word in Microsoft Word jump? Picture 1How does the word in Microsoft Word jump? Picture 1

Step 2:

Next, we will click on Word Options below.

How does the word in Microsoft Word jump? Picture 2How does the word in Microsoft Word jump? Picture 2

Step 3:

In the Word Options interface, look down on the left menu and select Advanced . Look at the interface to the right to find Cut, copy, and paste and click the Settings button below.

How does the word in Microsoft Word jump? Picture 3How does the word in Microsoft Word jump? Picture 3

Step 4:

The Settings window appears. Here, we will leave the option at the Adjust sentence and word spacing automatically option, then press OK to save the changes.

How does the word in Microsoft Word jump? Picture 4How does the word in Microsoft Word jump? Picture 4

When we go back and enter Word documents, the letters will not automatically jump the way we did. You can apply this fix for Word version 2007 or later. If users encounter this situation in Word 2003 , go to Tool> Options> Edit> Settings and also uncheck the option to adjust sentence and word spacing automatically .

This feature will automatically be enabled on Word versions to enable proper word spacing. But due to some problems that caused this feature to cause a spaced word spacing phenomenon. However, you only need to follow the instructions above to fix the automatic way of writing errors in Word.

Refer to the following articles:

  1. 8 tips or handling columns in Microsoft Word
  1. Enter the serial number and the automatic initial character MS Word
  1. Microsoft Word: How to create page title (Header) and footer (Footer)

I wish you all success!

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