Health benefits of practicing sun salutation yoga every day

Sun salutation yoga is an exercise consisting of 12 repetitive asanas, which brings positive effects on health. Below are the great benefits of practicing sun salutation yoga every day.

Sun salutation yoga is an exercise consisting of 12 repetitive asanas, which brings positive effects on health. Here are the great benefits of practicing sun salutation yoga every day .

Burn over 400 calories in 30 minutes

Picture 1 of Health benefits of practicing sun salutation yoga every day

Each time you practice sun salutation yoga you will have to do 12 different positions. Each round of sun salutations will burn about 13.90 calories. If you practice this exercise quickly, it will only take you about 30 seconds to 1 minute. If you exercise diligently 30 times in 30 minutes, you will burn 417 calories.

Of course, the speed and number of yoga sun salutations will take time to improve over time. If you're just starting out, you should practice slowly. Remember, even if you exercise slowly, you will still receive this benefit.

Increase muscle strength and body flexibility

Picture 2 of Health benefits of practicing sun salutation yoga every day

 Sun salutation yoga can be completed quickly or slowly depending on your pace. If completed quickly, it becomes a moderate-intensity cardio workout, better than walking but lighter than running. It uses all the major muscle groups of the body, helping to tone muscles and lose weight.

Regulates metabolism and digestion

Picture 3 of Health benefits of practicing sun salutation yoga every day

If you practice sun salutation yoga in the morning on an empty stomach, it can eliminate toxins in the body and support better digestion.

When digestion is good, metabolism will improve. Basically, if you eat healthy combined with regular exercise, you will successfully lose weight and absorb nutrients better for your body.

Improves thyroid function and other hormones in the body

Picture 4 of Health benefits of practicing sun salutation yoga every day

 Studies show that practicing sun salutation yoga regularly can balance thyroid function because some of the poses in this exercise compress and stretch the thyroid gland. It also helps regulate insulin levels in the body in patients with type 2 diabetes, regulate other hormones in the body and stabilize women's menstrual cycles.

Improve cardiovascular and nervous system health

Picture 5 of Health benefits of practicing sun salutation yoga every day

Practicing sun salutation yoga every day will help your body have better cholesterol. In addition, many studies have shown that even when exercising at a moderate pace, even though you consume fewer calories, your heart rate will improve, thereby improving your cardiovascular health every day.

Anyone can practice sun salutation yoga

Picture 6 of Health benefits of practicing sun salutation yoga every day

Sun salutation yoga is quite similar to regular exercise. In particular, you can adjust it to suit and make it easier to practice for the elderly or those who are injured and have mobility problems. Even exercising at low intensity, although you consume fewer calories, you still receive good health benefits.

Update 14 October 2023


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