Mistakes should be avoided when practicing Yoga
Yoga is one of the favorite subjects of special training with women, because this discipline will give you a tough, balanced body that is also good for the brain. Many women often buy Yoga mats to practice at home, however, you should take note to avoid basic errors. Here are some of the most common errors when practicing Yoga, you should note.
Do not start before training
When practicing Yoga, you should always have a warm-up and small relaxation screen between exercises as well as a long relaxation screen after the exercise. Because of the busyness, many sisters will skip this part, however, untapped joints and vertebrae will not be available for exercise and may also lead to injury for you.
Use 5 to 10 minutes to warm up to prepare your body to warm up. Exercise gently beforehand so the body starts to adapt to the exercises. After exercising, you should not stop suddenly but take a few minutes to recover your strength after training to reduce injury. When you take the time to regain your strength, clean up Lactic Acid in your body.
Mistakes should be avoided when practicing Yoga Picture 1
Eat too much before practicing
This is a taboo in Yoga, but there may still be some of you who get caught up in it. When the stomach is full, the blood supply is poured into your stomach to process the nutrients in the food so that your muscles don't have the energy they need to successfully perform the movements.
However, you should not leave your stomach hungry during exercise because the main food is fuel, providing the body with the energy it needs. Therefore, you can also eat before yoga but only in small quantities and at least 1 hour of practice time. That way, your blood will have time to go to the stomach, get the nutrients and give your muscles to take the first posture.
Exercise in a place that is easily distracted
Practicing in a room with lots of noise, turning on the TV when practicing . will distract your mind and body and the Yoga exercise will not be effective even counterproductive. If you practice in a secret space with an atmosphere without circulation or pollution, the exercises will not maximize your effectiveness. Quietness helps us focus more on our movements and breaths. For beginners, it is recommended to practice in the room, with a clear window, not to practice outdoors to avoid infection with toxic winds when the body becomes sensitive to the weather during the exercise.
Mistakes should be avoided when practicing Yoga Picture 2
Keep your body too hard
Listening to your body is one of the first things yoga teachers teach you. However, when practicing at home with Yoga mats and Yoga rings, many women just work hard to follow the video but forget to relax their bodies, when their gong is too hard, they will not make Yoga movements soft. trade, making the exercise ineffective, may even lead to injury. Practice slowly, relax your body and mind to clearly feel the impact of Yoga on your body.
Mistakes should be avoided when practicing Yoga Picture 3
Keep silence unnecessary
This applies to those who study Yoga in classes! In fact, it is no less necessary for those who practice Yoga. Silence is not necessary here, which means that when you have a problem or a question, you should not leave it in your heart. Because training is also based on your actual ability and personal needs. If you've just had an injury somewhere, you're pregnant . then don't hesitate to ask your instructor to get the instructions you need and fit your condition.
Because if you keep exercising when your body has problems, you will inadvertently assist in injury or harm to your body rather than benefit. Even if you do not participate in any class, you should also learn, ask more people who also have yoga experience to unlock for you the questions!
Excessive effort
When we are listening and being honest with ourselves, you also realize how much you can only do. In some other sports and sports, you can always improve your slogan to overcome yourself, not accept defeat but this is not true in Yoga.
You have to know that you can only get there, if you exercise too much, your muscles will become strained and lead to a risk of injury. Yoga is all about recognizing and listening to subtle signals from the body in order to respond accordingly. And give your body time to get used to and gradually improve each movement rather than trying to be beyond your ability to make your body hurt. Do not rush to try hard postures, the principle when practicing Yoga is to exercise your strength.
Mistakes should be avoided when practicing Yoga Picture 4
Do not focus on the breath
The most important thing in Yoga is breathing, however, many newcomers do not pay attention to this part. Pay the most attention to the breathing and try to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth so that the blood flow is circulated. When breathing correctly at Yoga practice, your belly will stretch when inhaled and pull back when breathing out.
Thinking too much
"What do you eat tonight, where to go, what do you wear tomorrow? If your thoughts are in your mind during yoga like that, then surely you will not see the changes or get the benefits. What is the benefit for the body after the yoga session Disturbance comes from the constant thinking of the work to be done, the past to the future but losing the focus for the practice. Research shows that the human brain is not equipped to do everything at the same time so when you think about other problems, you lose the connection of the body to the brain. must remove all your thoughts by focusing on your breath, connecting your breath with each movement.
Also, when you study at Yoga class, try to focus solely on yourself and the instructor and forget about the people around, Yoga is not a fighting sport, so don't pay attention. When it comes to the advancement of others, practice for yourself and be a center, so the new exercises will work.
Ignore body cooling after training
When you just finished the Yoga posture for that day's training session, you quickly cleared the "scene" to rush into the next task so you missed an important step that is cooling the engine. can. By focusing on deep stretching and relaxation positions, body cooling can help you prevent muscle soreness, enhance flexibility, slowly lower your heart rate and blood pressure to prevent Preventing dizziness may occur due to abrupt abstinence of exercise activities. In addition, this is also a great way for you to end the practice and feel your concentration and health.
Whether practicing Yoga at the gym or at home, you should also consult these notes to avoid making mistakes. Wish you have a flexible body like that.
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