Google will offer AI-powered search features for a fee

According to a report by Financial Times, Google, the online search technology giant may be considering changing its business model by offering premium, AI-powered features in Google Search with a shipping fee.

According to reports, online search technology giant Google may be considering changing its business model by offering premium, AI-powered features in Google Search for a fee. row after row.

According to sources, these advanced AI-powered search features could become part of Google's existing subscription services like Gemini Advanced or Google One. However, even if you sign up for Google Search's premium package and pay, users still have to see ads.

Picture 1 of Google will offer AI-powered search features for a fee

This potential change for Google comes from the company's need to integrate advanced AI to enhance its search experience while still earning lucrative search advertising dollars.

Last year, the company's search-related advertising revenue was $175 billion, a staggering figure that shows the benefits involved. Meanwhile, Google has also been pushed into the race for AI dominance as OpenAI's ChatGPT has risen rapidly.

Since May last year, Google has begun testing an AI-powered search service called Search Generative Experience (SGE) in more than 120 countries and territories.

SGE provides AI-powered summaries and responses to queries. However, possibly due to the high computational costs associated with synthetic AI models, the company has been slow to incorporate these SGE features into its main search engine.

Update 04 April 2024


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