Galaxy Z Flip: Where will men find this smartphone?

How do men feel about using this product? I have been using it for a week now and have no intention of leaving this phone.

After the Galaxy Fold, the Galaxy Z Flip became the second phone with a folding screen to be commercialized by Samsung. But unlike the horizontal folding / opening masculinity of the Galaxy Fold, the Galaxy Z Flip is designed vertically and since launch, many people liken it to a women's fashion chalk box. So how do men feel when using this product? I have been using it for a week now and here are the reasons I like this phone:

Picture 1 of Galaxy Z Flip: Where will men find this smartphone?

Pick it up and see the difference

I still remember clearly when I was in high school, when a classmate picked up Motorola's razor-sharp "cricket" Razr, they all came back to life. It was a time when touchscreen phones weren't really booming, and the flap was still a trend, something very fashionable when the hinged opening also made many people look.

Even a "click" when closing the phone, ending a call also created a level of luxury at that time. And these memories suddenly came back when I first held the Galaxy Z Flip.

Remember when I was at a cafe, just putting the Galaxy Z Flip on the table or opening it to receive a call, I suddenly found myself different, when everyone around me was looking.

Picture 2 of Galaxy Z Flip: Where will men find this smartphone?
Picture 3 of Galaxy Z Flip: Where will men find this smartphone?
Picture 4 of Galaxy Z Flip: Where will men find this smartphone?


Who says men don't need attention? If women want to be beautiful in the eyes of others, so do men!

Pocket more comfortable

To be honest, ever since I held this phone, my pocket habit has completely changed. Unlike the previous way of tucking the pants when using traditional smartphones, the Galaxy Z Flip is more comfortable when I can fold it and put it anywhere, even in my pocket.

Picture 5 of Galaxy Z Flip: Where will men find this smartphone?

The folding type of this phone gives me a lot of flexibility in many situations, and it is very easy to take out my phone quickly in my pocket or jeans pocket, which big screen phones today will cause many difficulties.

Picture 6 of Galaxy Z Flip: Where will men find this smartphone?

And the biggest difference is that it looks a lot more luxurious when it comes out of the pocket to listen to calls or surf information like this.

Picture 7 of Galaxy Z Flip: Where will men find this smartphone?

Women are the opposite, phones no matter how big the screen can still be put into bags, but it is difficult for men.

New and more creative experience in many situations

New technology is always the toy we want to experience, and folding screens are still a very new technology that everyone wants to touch and I'm not out of them.

Picture 8 of Galaxy Z Flip: Where will men find this smartphone?

As mentioned above, the strange appearance of a folding phone can make anyone see also admiring, but that's not all. The feeling of surfing on a phone with a long screen is much more interesting.

Picture 9 of Galaxy Z Flip: Where will men find this smartphone?

Some people have said that this screen is too long, while the width is too narrow, this is true but it is true depending on the needs of the user. For me, a person who regularly browses news content, collects information to do homework, this longitudinal vertical screen design is very beneficial. With a 21.9: 9 aspect ratio, news content is displayed more, scrolling time is reduced, reading is faster, and even on the home page I can see more topics / news to choose from. filter.

Picture 10 of Galaxy Z Flip: Where will men find this smartphone?

Previously, I used to watch the news on this iPhone 11 Pro Max because of its spacious screen and comfortable one-handed operation, but this week I switched to reading on the Galaxy Z Flip and was quite interested. The simple reason is because this new phone helps me surf content faster.

Or like multitasking while surfing the web and taking notes, for example, splitting a window on a long screen as below is quite convenient and useful.

Picture 11 of Galaxy Z Flip: Where will men find this smartphone?

Split the top and bottom screens for more efficient multitasking, why not?

Another thing I use to take pictures with this phone is turning the camera body into a tripod. In some low-light situations, you will need a strong support for your phone as the shutter will open longer to capture more light. Therefore, if not stable, the image will be blurred and the quality is not high. Just by changing the 90-degree "posture" of the Z Flip as shown below, placing it on the surface, I can take as many photos of the night as I like with the quality of course being better when handheld.

Picture 12 of Galaxy Z Flip: Where will men find this smartphone?

Services included

Galaxy gifts are not a new feature, but I always take advantage of them when using high-end Samsung phones. For my frequent business trips, the business lounge privileges from Galaxy Gifts are extremely helpful to me.

Although this is only one of the small reasons, it also makes a different experience. Think about it, waiting in the business room, pulling out a unique folding phone.

And after all, what the Galaxy Z Flip brings to me is a sense of complete satisfaction about the appearance, the difference that not everyone has.

Picture 13 of Galaxy Z Flip: Where will men find this smartphone?
Update 13 March 2020


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