Functions of character roles in Agrou

Agrou is an action role-playing game to find traitors, similar to Among Us, Feign, Goose Goose Duck,... but with many interesting and exciting creations.

In each level of Agrou, gamers will be divided into characters with different roles such as villagers, prophets, hunters,. Among them are werewolves who hide and stealthily destroy each person. .

Picture 1 of Functions of character roles in Agrou

Every night all the villagers will gather around the fire to discuss to find the real werewolf to win. In contrast, werewolves need to destroy all other players to monopolize victory.

To do this, players first need to understand the roles of the characters they can play. In this article, let's learn the function of the roles in Agrou, in order to use their unique abilities and advantages to win.

The function of the roles in Agrou

Picture 2 of Functions of character roles in Agrou

The roles in this game are divided into 3 different categories as Villager, Werewolf and Neutral. Follow the table below to see which role each character corresponds to.

Role Character Function
Mild Villager - Villagers An ordinary resident, has no special powers and is the most common role.
Seer - Prophet Important role, can check the role of another player at night, used to find Werewolves or confirm the innocent.
Witch - Witches Important role, can save or kill others. This is one of the few villager roles that can kill Villager, Dictator or Hunter.
Dictator - Dictator One of the few killers in the village, the Hunter and the Witch, can directly select the villager, who will be killed in the afternoon.
Guard - Guard The role of ensuring safety, can protect others or protect yourself.
Tamer - Beast Trainer Support role, help find wolves hidden among residents during the day.
Cupic - God of Love Roles cause chaos, bringing two players together and forcing them to survive together (which can include any role together).
Raven - Crow The support role is somewhat chaotic.
Hunter - Hunter Can kill villagers during the day.
Medium The support role is pretty useless.
Little girl - Little girl Important role, can determine nightly whether someone is a wolf or not, even during wolf active turns.
Necromancer - Summoning Souls It is possible to talk to the deceased every night to get more information.
Blaster The role is quite chaotic, when activating the skill will have to pass 1 bomb to others before it explodes. Whoever holds the bomb when it explodes will die.
Werewolves Werewolf - Werewolf A normal wolf, with no auxiliary abilities but still eligible to vote to kill people.
Black Wolf - Black Wolf There is a special, selected role that transforms the player into a wolf.
Misty Wolf - Ambiguous Wolf The role of support for wolves, can save their own kind, or just confuse others by using the ability.
Anesthetist - Anesthesia Wolf The wolf support role puts 1 player to sleep and that person is inactive or voting during the day.
White Wolf - White Wolf Neutral role, won alone as lone survivor, capable of killing common wolves or villagers every 2 nights.
Neutral Angel - Angel Win by being killed by a villager in the first round and game over, otherwise become a civilian.
Influence - Influencers If you complete the assigned task, you win, but the game continues. If you don't complete it, you will become a civilian.
Assassin - Assassin Neutral killer role, can kill any player every night and must be the last one alive to win.
Pyromaniac - The Fiery Maniac Neutral killer role, with the addition of soaking 2 players in oil per night or burning all the players you have soaked. Up to 6 players are soaked in oil at the same time.
Update 19 April 2022


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