Female 10-year-old coder was invited by Google and Microsoft to work

This girl named Samaira Mehta, grew up back in Silicon Valley. Although only 10 years old, Mehta has become a star in the programming community and has been eye-catching by many global companies, including 'big guys' like Google and Microsoft.

This girl named Samaira Mehta, grew up back in Silicon Valley. Although only 10 years old, Mehta has become a star in the programming community and has been eye-catching by many global companies, including "big guys" like Google and Microsoft.

Currently, Mehta is the founder and CEO of a company named CoderBunnyz. In addition, she was invited to be a speaker at many Silicon Valley conferences.

Mehta learned code from the age of 6 and at the age of 8, she created a game called "CoderBunnyz" to teach other children how to code. This game won the second prize at the Think Tank Learning competition in 2016 and earned the Mehta 2500 USD bonus.

Picture 1 of Female 10-year-old coder was invited by Google and Microsoft to work

After the competition, Mehta received the marketing network of Cartoon Network, who was looking for real "Powerpuff Girls" and invited her to participate in some videos. From then on, Mehta was well known.

Once famous, Mehta started selling his game on Amazon. She has received enthusiastic help from her father, Rakesh Mehta - an engineer from Intel and Sun Microsystems with a very aggressive marketing strategy.

Mehta said, there were about 1,000 CoderBunnyz units sold, equivalent to US $ 35,000 after just one year of launch.

After that success, Mehta launched a campaign called "Yes, 1 Bilion Kids Can Code", urging players to support their products to schools and organize workshops for children at many schools. Mehta has done 60 workshops for 2000 children.

Since the beginning of 2018, Mehta's game set has been used to teach code to students at more than 106 schools.

Currently, Mehta intends to launch an AI code game for children called CoderMindz with the help of his younger brother Aadit Mehta, only 6 years old. She hopes this new game will become the first AI board game.

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Aadit Mehta, Mehta's 6-year-old younger brother, is helping her 10-year-old sister to create a code game for children with AI.

Mehta started receiving many invitations to attend the seminar. These include workshops held at Google's headquarters in Mountain View, California and here, Mehta met Stacy Sullivan, Google's CCO. When she was invited to work at Google, the young female coder replied that she liked being an entrepreneur rather than working for Google.

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Samaira Mehta at one of Google's seminars.

Mehta also made a good impression as a speaker at many other big companies in Silicon Valley like Microsoft. Recently, Mehta attended a presentation at an event sponsored by the World Wide Women. She also received an encouraging letter from Michelle Obama, met and talked with Mark Zuckerberg about her work.

Currently, in addition to continuing to produce CodeBunnyz, developing new AI games, Mehta also participates in PATH, a charity that teaches skills to homeless people so they can rebuild their lives. .

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Update 24 May 2019


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