Talk to a coder: Look at your life with numbers 1 and 0

The number 0 alone is nothing. But zero is also meaningless.

If we think about zeroes and zeroes, we will all have different associations and feelings. The 6th grade children who are buried in books will say 'binary'. Many of our engineers probably think of lights that turn on and off. Programmers will think of 'true' and 'false'. And the blood business bosses are probably thinking about 'getting it all or nothing' for the risky contract coming up.

As for me, I often think of zeroes and zeroes in the same way as a college teacher once taught me. My teacher said, "The number 0 standing alone is nothing compared to the number 1. 1 is yes, 0 is . no. It's as simple as that. But the number 0 after number 1 will be number 10, which is greater than the number 1 very, very much ".

How does the '0 after 1' principle apply to my life?

Talk to a coder: Look at your life with numbers 1 and 0 Picture 1Talk to a coder: Look at your life with numbers 1 and 0 Picture 1

I studied English at high school. When I went to university, I studied software. So when I went to work, I was quite confident about my 'slashing' ability.

But in the software environment, especially in the early years, the most prerequisite is still technical capability. No matter how good you slash, you can't (and shouldn't) offer silly solutions under the guise of a perfect PowerPoint slide. A perfect grammar mail but attaching a 'rotten' build is still just a . rotten mail.

In other words, in my early days, my English advantage was still a '0'. Not promoted yet.

Understanding this, I try to cultivate my karma. After 2 years, I won my '1' - just enough technical knowledge. Having technical ability, English, opportunities to work abroad, expose many foreign customers quickly. My income has skyrocketed, and my mind has been more open. So, my number 0 has been added to the end of number 1 to become number 10.

I also take this advice to many young people of the next generation in the industry. The truth is that we have a lot of friends from all over the provinces, who are good at maths and work hard so follow the 'code' job very well. Unfortunately, because of no conditions, your foreign language is worse. I recommend to them like this: 'Now that you don't put in the effort to learn English, you really don't have to worry about lack of work, but if you have English, the chances will be much higher. You can think of English as a number 0, and your technical ability is a number . '.

Talk to a coder: Look at your life with numbers 1 and 0 Picture 2Talk to a coder: Look at your life with numbers 1 and 0 Picture 2

The '0 behind 1' principle also applies to many other things in life. You know, the ability to care for, care for, create a sense of trust for girls is just a number . 0: good boys this time a lot! But the good irony is often the lightest. The number 1 is the ability to attract her attention, impress her. Then, when I had an appointment, I was able to talk freely, to show her that I truly cared. That's number 10: an interesting, but considerate guy, what's equal?

For other big things, I can use 0 and 1 to analyze with you. Think about it, the Lumia 950 has the ability to 'transform' into a desktop again, but why still fail? The reason is because the ability to transform is just 0. They lack the number 1: Windows Phone phones are not enough to meet the basic smartphone needs of users. No. 1 doesn't have one yet, the number 0 on the side doesn't mean anything.

What about you, your number 1 and zero?


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