Can try Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1

Although the preview is released to application developers, users can also install it on their device.

Although the preview is released to application developers, users can also install it on their device.

Picture 1 of Can try Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1

Microsoft has officially released a preview of Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1, designed for application developers to install to check and update their applications. However, if interested, users can also install by joining the App Studio program that Microsoft launched in April.

The most interesting feature available in Update 1 of Windows Phone 8.1 is Live Folders , which allows users to merge multiple applications into one folder through shortcuts for easier management.

Cortana virtual assistant application is also updated with support for Chinese and English languages, but still in beta status. Currently, Microsoft is also developing an alpha version of Cortana that supports Indian, Canadian and Australian languages. With Cortana, users can communicate with the phone through their voice.

Besides, Microsoft also implemented a series of user interface tweaks and improvements, such as users can select multiple text messages, then select delete or forward it at the same time.

Registering for Windows App Studio to experience Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1 Preview is completely free.

Update 25 May 2019


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