Apple is forced to notify users before releasing updates that affect the battery

Recently, Apple has officially committed to the UK's Market and Competition Authority (CMA) to make it clear to iPhone users if the iOS update slows the iPhone.

By the end of 2017, it has acknowledged and made a public apology for deliberately slowing down old iPhone models through an iOS software update. After that, Apple has launched a discount program for customers to replace batteries.

This situation came to an end when Apple recently officially committed to the UK Market and Competition Authority (CMA) that it will clearly inform iPhone users if the iOS update slows down the iPhone. If violated, Apple may be sued.

Picture 1 of Apple is forced to notify users before releasing updates that affect the battery

CMA said that forcing Apple to sign this commitment is to avoid users who will not know that iOS slows their device and will try to repair or buy a new iPhone. If you are told everything clearly from Apple, users will save a lot of money, instead of spending a large amount to buy an iPhone or repair they just need to replace the battery, switch to power saving mode or not to update. New iOS.

Hopefully, Apple will warn global users, not only in the UK if iOS slows down the iPhone.

Update 26 May 2019


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