Deeper computer fakes 'more famous'

Thanks to mimicking some of Conficker's infection strategies, the little known worm of Neeris over the weekend caused a surprise.

Thanks to mimicking some of Conficker's infection strategies, the little known worm of Neeris over the weekend caused a surprise .

Specifically, the Neeris worm, discovered in May 2005, now also exploits the Windows security flaw that is being used by Conficker to attack users. Neeris also replicates the mechanism of infection via USB memory sticks as well as some other features of Conficker.

Deeper computer fakes 'more famous' Picture 1Deeper computer fakes 'more famous' Picture 1 Ziv Mador and Aaron Putnam - security researchers working at Microsoft Anti-Malware Center - said Neeris-infected drives now have the option of 'Open folder to view files' similar to Conficker. .

The two experts said it was possible that the author developed so that Conficker and Neeris worm had some connection. ' The first variant of Neeris was discovered in May 2005. That's why it seems that Conficker is the one who copied piracy . '

' But now Neeris has added features that inherently belong to Conficker. That's why we think it is possible that the author developed so these two computer worms are related or cooperated or at least know each other's products '.

Another strange overlap is that the latest variant Neeris appeared on the morning of April 1 - the day is expected to have a powerful explosion of Conficker worm. In fact, nothing happens but Conficker still successfully connects to the hacker's server.

' Neeris did not download any variant of the Conficker worm and there is no evidence that Neeris' connection with the activation algorithm was correct on April 1 of the Conficker worm ,' Mador and Putnam. affirmed.

Although discovered four years ago, due to little known, the worm has not yet appeared in the 'blacklist' of security firms. That's why when the new variant was released it immediately caused a surprise.

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