8 signs of childhood meningitis that parents should pay attention to

Meningitis is a disease that involves inflammation of the protective membrane covering the brain and spinal cord. Here are 8 signs of childhood meningitis that parents should pay attention to. Invite you to consult!

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Meningitis is a disease that involves inflammation of the protective membrane covering the brain and spinal cord. There are many causes of meningitis, but the symptoms are generally the same and difficult to identify.

Meningitis is one of the leading serious diseases that can affect lives, especially those susceptible to meningitis, especially children. That's why today we share 8 signs of childhood meningitis that will help parents timely intervene when their children are sick. Invite people to consult!

1. Sudden fever

Picture 1 of 8 signs of childhood meningitis that parents should pay attention to
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One of the symptoms of childhood meningitis is a sudden fever . The young body trembles and feels cold all the time.

The temperature of the young body increases suddenly and quickly, especially it is difficult to reduce fever. However, in fact, this is also a symptom of many different diseases, so parents need to pay attention to other signs to make conclusions about whether the child has meningitis.

2. A severe headache

Picture 2 of 8 signs of childhood meningitis that parents should pay attention to
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Meningitis headaches are usually not serious but it makes children feel uncomfortable. What's more, headaches can affect your baby's neck area, but many parents don't pay attention to symptoms of this meningitis in children.

If a child has a severe headache that lasts for several days with a high fever, it may be due to meningitis. In addition, parents should be aware that if the baby's head is bulging , this may be a sign of serious meningitis in the child.

3. Dizziness

Picture 3 of 8 signs of childhood meningitis that parents should pay attention to
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Children with meningitis are often unable to focus their eyesight, which is why babies often have dizziness or see everything in front of them 2.

4. Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting

Picture 4 of 8 signs of childhood meningitis that parents should pay attention to
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Some children with meningitis often show a loss of appetite . The cause is due to the patient's continuous nausea, accompanied by abdominal pain and vomiting.

5. Sensitive to light

Picture 5 of 8 signs of childhood meningitis that parents should pay attention to
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Another common symptom in people with meningitis is sensitivity to light . Children will use their hands to cover their eyes or complain of light that makes them tear, nausea, and headaches.

6. Stiff neck

Picture 6 of 8 signs of childhood meningitis that parents should pay attention to

One of the most typical symptoms of meningitis in children is stiff neck, difficulty moving at will, which makes it difficult to turn. Children will not notice this symptom, but beware if they often hold their heads strangely or feel their necks are less flexible than usual.

Try to make your chin touch your chest . If your child can touch his chin to his chest without any difficulty, it's fine. But if it causes discomfort and even pain when the chin touches the breast, take it to the doctor for a timely check.

7. Cannot straighten the legs

Picture 7 of 8 signs of childhood meningitis that parents should pay attention to

In addition, parents can check by lying on their heads without knees, with their legs straightened. Then, slip your hand under the baby's heel and slowly raise both feet. Normally up to 70 feet is still straight, but if less than 70 degrees, the baby's legs have shrunk ( the legs bend toward the thigh ), this is a sign that the baby may have meningitis.

Parents need to take the baby for a checkup right away because they are most likely to have meningitis.

8. Rash

Picture 8 of 8 signs of childhood meningitis that parents should pay attention to

Skin rash is also a sign of childhood meningitis . When you see a rash on your baby's skin, try the following test to see if the rash is related to meningitis is extremely dangerous.

First, take a clean glass cup, gently press the cup onto the skin of your rash. Keep pressing the cup like that until the skin turns light. If the rash disappears or fades, it is not caused by meningitis. But if you press, the rash can still see clearly through the wall of the cup, which is due to meningitis. However, you should remember that this test is not 100% accurate, so it is best to go to the doctor and make a diagnosis.

What to do when the child appears above symptoms?

Picture 9 of 8 signs of childhood meningitis that parents should pay attention to
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Meningitis is a serious disease, if not detected early and timely intervention will affect children's lives. Therefore, when the child appears the above symptoms should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

In addition, children should rest, quiet and not let the light bulb too bright when sleeping. Report all symptoms to your doctor.Should be hospitalized for treatment, not outpatient treatment.

See also: 8 abnormal signs on the skin warning the body is having serious health problems

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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