6 warning signs of a heart attack in women should not be ignored
You may not know that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in American women and is also one of the serious threats to women's health in other countries, including Vietnam. Therefore, you need to learn about the symptoms of heart attack to be able to detect it early and treat it promptly.
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6 warning signs of a heart attack in women should not be ignored Picture 1
Currently, a heart attack or a heart attack is ranked as one of the main causes of sudden death. Unfortunately, the main cause of heart disease is often difficult to diagnose and detect early. However, before the disease occurs, the body still sends special signs that patients often ignore.
On the Bright Side page, learn about common symptoms that can occur before a heart attack. However, the symptoms of heart attack in women and men are very different and sometimes difficult to identify, so notice six signs of heart attack in women below:
Back pain, neck, jaw muscles and arms
6 warning signs of a heart attack in women should not be ignored Picture 2
These signs can be confusing for patients, as many people still think that heart attacks in women are mainly related to the positions of the chest or left hand that are not related to the neck or jaw. In fact, pain in all these positions can be a warning of heart attack.
The patient may experience progressive pain, persistent pain, acute pain or sudden pain. The pain can even wake you up in the middle of the night. As soon as there are signs, it is best to follow and consult a doctor immediately. Therefore, you need to be mindful and aware of the seriousness of these symptoms.
Pain or discomfort in the stomach
6 warning signs of a heart attack in women should not be ignored Picture 3
Signs of heart attack in women often manifest in the stomach area are also confusing with signs of poisoning, flu or heartburn. In women, in addition to the feeling of stomach pain and severe pain, some descriptions such as having "a rock over the abdomen ".
Cold sweat
6 warning signs of a heart attack in women should not be ignored Picture 4
Cold sweat is another common symptom of heart attack that is common in women and is easily confused with stressful expression. However, if this symptom occurs when you have never experienced cold sweats before, you should see a specialist right away for advice and testing.
Shortness of breath and dizziness
6 warning signs of a heart attack in women should not be ignored Picture 5
Respiratory problems that are unexplained are often a sign of heart attack in women, especially if accompanied by a symptom on this list. Many women survived heart attacks, saying they felt as tired as they had been doing a marathon even though they did not work hard or move much.
Dizziness always makes you feel uncomfortable and is a sign of physical weakness but may also be a symptom of a heart attack. Dizziness, blurred vision and even syncope will occur if the heartbeat is abnormally associated with a significant drop in blood pressure and cardiac output especially when you are standing upright. If you are dizzy and don't know the cause, it's a good reason for you to go to the doctor so don't look down and think resting for a while will be fine.
Often feel tired
6 warning signs of a heart attack in women should not be ignored Picture 6
If after a long enough rest period you still feel tired, unable to perform even small actions ( such as entering the toilet for example ), then this is a sign of the cardiovascular system. Your problem is experiencing.
Feeling pressure and pain in the chest area
6 warning signs of a heart attack in women should not be ignored Picture 7
In both men and women, if a heart attack occurs, the chest area will be painful, uncomfortable, burning and feeling heavy pressure on the chest area. In fact, some women experience pain in their left breast, but some experience pain in the entire chest area. If the pain in the chest does not go away within a few minutes, call your doctor right away.
Note: These signs are not 100% sure to be true for a heart attack in women. But if they appear together and for a long time, it is best to see a doctor for appropriate, timely medical care. Take care of yourself carefully!
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