7 signs that you still haven't earned enough money to spend

The signs are not wrong about how you are in serious lack of money and must quickly find ways to improve your income if you do not want to fall into debt.

If you are constantly experiencing an unbalance in your daily life, perhaps, you are facing a range of problems. It may be because you owe a lot of debt and can't get out of debt; because you spend too much or your earnings are too small. Worse, despite "tightening up", this situation has not improved at all.

Here are some signs to help you check if the current income is enough to meet your spending needs. If not, then you are having difficulty managing your budget and must change immediately if you do not want to fall into debt.

1. You must borrow money every month

One of the biggest signs of you having financial problems is that every month, you have to borrow money to cover living expenses, be it family loans, friends, colleagues or use credit card.

2. You run out of money when it's only mid-month

Picture 1 of 7 signs that you still haven't earned enough money to spend

Running out of money or just having enough money for basic living expenses like eating, paying electricity . is also an important sign that your spending habits are in serious trouble. Maybe because you spend indiscriminately or don't know how to manage your income, making money "not fly but fly".

3. You cannot pay the bills

If you can't pay your bills or pay your electricity, water, insurance . every time you are due, you don't know how to manage it, your income doesn't meet the demand. basic life.

It is best to look for another job with a better salary or consider working overtime to improve the quality of life.

4. Can't cut any more

When reviewing the checkbook to see if any of the expenses can be reduced, you realize that all items are reasonable and cannot be removed. If this happens, the best solution is to find a way to increase your income.

5. There is no budget for emergency situations

Setting aside a contingency fund for unexpected situations like illness, illness, car failure . is one of the very important points of an effective personal financial plan.

If you currently have not extracted part of your income for this section or you do not have enough money to cover emergencies, then perhaps, you should consider improving your monthly family income.

6. Constantly worry about money

Picture 2 of 7 signs that you still haven't earned enough money to spend

If you constantly think about money, lose your sleep, and can't stop it, then you are in big trouble about how to spend money or income.

7. Failed to achieve the goal of financial freedom

Financial freedom simply means that you have enough personal property to live long term without having to work hard to meet the basic needs. More specifically, you create income that is more than cost.

If your goal is to gain financial freedom, for now, there's still no way to get enough money for your expenses, quickly find a way to increase your income right away. Otherwise, this desire of yours is far from real.

Solution for you:

  1. If you want to pay off your debt soon, you have to know these 6 numbers
  2. 6 tips to help you get out of debt
  3. 7 personal financial management tips to know before age 30
Update 24 May 2019


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