18 things that financial adults don't usually do

Here are 18 things that financial adults don't usually do. Invite you to consult!
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Most of us must have gaped at the classic scene in Sabrina in 1995. Sabrina's father turned out to be not just a little driver with a passion for reading good books. . He was a horrible millionaire!

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How can he accumulate that huge asset with his little monthly salary? The answer is to imitate the rich owner's investment habits . You too, you can learn from financially mature people. You can avoid expensive mistakes by watching what they do - and more importantly, what they don't do.

Here are 18 things that financial adults don't usually do . Invite you to consult!

1. Do not spend more than they make

A recent study of Yahoo's finance showed that ' less than half of the US population spend less than their income '. This issue exists due to high credit card interest rates.

If you have difficulty spending, try using cash . This will quickly end the situation of insatiable spending, because when you spend all the cash you have, you are forced to stop spending unworthy.

2. Don't wait until the end of the month to see your income and expenses

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Credit card bills are just a formality, not surprising. Expenditure tracking applications ( or a pen and notebook ) will help you control your money.

3. Do not pay for the registration they do not use

Gym membership cards, subscribe to magazines and tickets to watch your favorite teams play in great seasons - if you really use them.

Spend time on credit card statements and cancel forgotten accounts. The possibility that you will not remember them.

4. Don't ignore small expenses

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Small expenses can add up to a big expense . Find ways to reduce them. Turn off the air conditioner when leaving the house, turn off the light in the room when not in use, use a refillable water bottle instead of buying a new water bottle every week.

5. Don't automatically spend 'unexpected money'

A refund or birthday gift is not necessary to spend on the day you receive it. Give some to pigs or use them to pay off debts.

  1. 14 important steps to help you quickly get out of debt

6. Don't go shopping just to make yourself feel better

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Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary believes that " retail therapy " should be avoided. But come on! Surely we all have violent shopping moments after parting, right? There is an idea like this: When the heart breaks, you obviously feel uncomfortable and just want to go to the central business district, now think of something you really need. Maybe it is a business shoe or a gift for your friend.

Create a "private fund" for yourself and only bring CASH to buy it. After that, go shopping for a bit of fun.

7. Do not buy gifts at the last minute

This usually happens to all of us. We often only think about birthdays or anniversaries when there is only a short time to prepare. And so we went to the nearest store to find any last minute gift in chaos.

We buy something very expensive to hide the fact that we do not have cards and have not yet wrapped up our gifts. In essence, gifts show love and care. Buying them a little earlier will help you come up with a more meaningful, more expensive gift that shows how much you care about that person.

8. Do not eat outside

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A recent experiment by the Boston Globe showed that meals cooked at home usually cost only half the price of similar meals outside the restaurant.

9. Don't waste leftovers

The easiest way to pay for meals is simply to save your leftovers . You can turn your meal into 2 meals if there is too much leftover.

10. Don't let purchased food expire

Throwing away food means throwing money away . If you are struggling with the smell of your refrigerator, try buying more. Only buy exactly what you need in the next 2 to 3 days, instead of ' hoarding ' all week or month.

11. Stop to think before spending money

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Have you ever looked back at an item you bought and thought, ' What did I think? ' or not? Financial adults will ask the most accurate question: 'Do I really like this? 'If you skip this step, you will find yourself needing a liquidation.

12. Don't buy clothes that they don't wear often

Full of clothes but " nothing to wear ". Save space and money by rediscovering things before. Be a minimalist with the desire to let people know how happy you are.

13. Do not buy things just because they are being discounted

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There was an old episode in The Lucy Show that talked about this common mistake with humor. Lucy reprimanded her friend because she bought a 50-pound dog pack. Her friend justified: ' It's only half the normal price '. Lucy answered humorously: ' You don't have a dog! '

If you think to yourself, ' These shoes are only half the price and they don't look too bad, ' then take the money and buy a pair of shoes you really like. You will actually use them more than that.

14. Don't buy anything without asking in advance

This is an old trick. Selling things without quotes and it really works, because we are often afraid to ask how much this item is worth. Don't want anyone to think we are poor, but we get the opposite. You will be poor when you do not ask those difficult questions.

15. Do not avoid possible savings and troubles in the future

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Replacing oil can be very troublesome, but it will be cheaper to buy a new car. Oral cleaning may not be comfortable, but do you like root pulp? When you want to spend less, cut away from the excess consumption, not cut down on the important part.

16. Don't believe in quick enrichment plans

When people actually earn gold mines, they probably won't tell the world in a ' business opportunity ' seminar. Financial adults know that wealth comes from hard work and right choices over time.

17. Don't forget to set financial goals

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Without a clear goal and feasible plan, people often just stomp on the spot. Good goals will illuminate the path from where you are to where you want to go.

18. Don't let past mistakes prevent your step

Looking through the statistics, you will quickly realize that most of us are not good at money. Along with practice, patience and perseverance, you can become a financially mature person. You just need to start.

There is an old adage. If you want a big oak tree behind the house, the right time to plant it is 20 years. The second appropriate time? Right now.

Use these tips to start "imitating" financially mature people. Because let's face it. Your life will be more fun when you have a sum of money in the bank.

Refer to some other articles:

  1. 10 ways to save money so you don't have to cut down on your friends
  2. 7 financial mistakes most people often get
  3. Applying 10 things, the goal of financial autonomy at age 30 will come to you

Having fun!

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