6 ways to protect the health of the office girl

Office workers or office girls always have a common characteristic that they have to work long hours in front of a computer or sit in a place for a long time so it inevitably affects their health, so please Record and perform the following 6 simple sitting postures to protect your health.

The common office girls often have to sit in one place for hours and often work with computers. So to ensure the health for yourself and not affect the work of the office girls, remember 6 posture of sitting posture to work well for good health and limit obesity.

1. Restricted sitting posture

Do not cross your feet or your feet when working. Because this prevents the blood circulation, tightening the veins, causing discomfort causing numbness and restless leg syndrome (Restless Legs Syndrome).

Picture 1 of 6 ways to protect the health of the office girl

The first thing you need to do is adjust the seat. Your legs should not be in the position of 'hanging' and the edge of the chair does not squeeze the area behind the knee. Correct posture is to place your foot on the floor or special rack so that the foot is slightly more than 90 degrees at the corner.

2. Sitting posture limited back pain

Seat depth must match your hip length. If you are sitting on a chair that is too large, put a pillow under your waist to support a part. Thus, you will not slip down and this limits the tension, muscle pain behind your back.

Picture 2 of 6 ways to protect the health of the office girl

The seat should have a comfortable back with a natural curve so that your back does not bend into question mark.

Don't rush to change your posture suddenly if you feel uncomfortable. Let your muscles relax and slowly return to the correct posture.

3. Posture to limit hand fatigue

When you work at the computer, your hands must work continuously. Overload and posture to the wrong hands can be painful, persistent as well as numbness in the morning.

Picture 3 of 6 ways to protect the health of the office girl

Keyboard and mouse should be at elbow level. Wrist is straight and does not turn to the sides. Your hands must create a 90 degree angle to the table.

4. Sitting posture restricts neck pain

To avoid neck and head pain, it is important to keep the computer screen in place. If the screen is too low, you tend to have to slide down the seat to look. This increases the pressure on the front of the intervertebral disc, which can lead to herniation or disc protrusion.

Picture 4 of 6 ways to protect the health of the office girl

You need to sit in the correct position on the chair, close your eyes and relax. When you open your eyes, the center of the screen must be right before your eyes. If necessary, use a support rack to bring the screen up to eye level. This reduces pressure on your neck and eyes.

5. Restrictions on fatigue and eye pain

When working with the computer for too long, you may experience some visual problems such as blurred vision, dry eyes, and red eyes. Then there is a headache and irritability. You need:

Adjusting the screen : Doctors think that the optimal position is that the center of the screen must be at eye level and about 50cm from your face.

Resize the screen : If you leave the computer next to the window, move it or pull the curtain down. You need to adjust light, contrast and text size on your computer.

Picture 5 of 6 ways to protect the health of the office girl

Using special eyeglasses : This helps to limit the impact of the spectrum from a computer screen. Your eyes will be less tired, eyesight is protected.

Don't forget eye exercises : Every 20 minutes looking at your computer, you should look out the window or a remote point for about 20 seconds.

6. Limit weight gain, obesity

If you have a calm, sedentary lifestyle and like to eat sweets, cholesterol will build up inside the blood vessels, making uncomfortable feelings: pain, fatigue in the legs and feet, leg swelling and blood pressure high. Symptoms usually appear in the evening.

Picture 6 of 6 ways to protect the health of the office girl

You should spend time exercising every day. Simple exercises of no more than 15 minutes with hand weights or exercises with Yoga mats will help you improve the situation. Also, try to walk more and pay attention to a healthy diet.

In order to exercise after working hours, the office girls can buy themselves sports equipment at META.vn to practice at home!

Thank you for following the article!

Update 24 May 2019


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