6 secret links of Google are used to track and collect user information

Google tracks and collects user personal information through services provided by the company. And here are 6 secret links that Google uses for this purpose.

Like Facebook, Google also collects user information. Even the level of personal information that Google holds is not limited to activities on the Internet, but also in life, such as what time to go to work, how to travel, what restaurants have visited. over, the hospital came to see .

Google tracks and collects user personal information through services provided by the company. And here are 6 secret links that Google uses for this purpose.

1. Usernames and Passwords

When you enter your account information and password to log in to a website via Google Chrome or an Android device immediately, this information will be stored by Google at the server.

  1. passwords.google.com

Picture 1 of 6 secret links of Google are used to track and collect user information

2. Download all data from your Google account

Google allows users to download their data including photos on Google, YouTube videos, notes on Google Keep, mailboxes in Gmail . by visiting the link below:

  1. google.com/takeout

How to download your Google data

3. Track user location

With the help of the android operating system and Google maps application on the device, Google can easily monitor and store information about location and movement activities in users' daily lives. .

To check your entire location history, you can visit the link below.

  1. google.com/maps/timeline

4. Use another syntax to register a Gmail account

Users can register for a Gmail account or change their mail name to be different from the @ gmail.com syntax by visiting the link below:

  1. accounts.google.com/SignUpWithoutGmail

5. Google saves all user search information

Whether you use voice commands or keywords to search on Google or YouTube, all data is still stored at Google servers.

  1. history.google.com: Store data when searching with keywords.
  2. history.google.com/history/audio: Store data when searching with voice commands.
  3. youtube.com/feed/history: Store data when searching or watching videos.

Picture 2 of 6 secret links of Google are used to track and collect user information

6. Google tracks device location

In case, your Android device is lost, Google can help determine its location. Access the link below, the location of the phone will appear on the map (condition: the phone is still open and 3G and Internet connected) and you can also delete the data on the remote computer.

  1. google.com/android/devicemanager

See more:

  1. 9 extremely interesting secrets about Google you may not know yet
  2. Enjoy the 2018 World Cup with Google's useful services
  3. Infinite zooming on Google Maps
Update 24 May 2019


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