6 dangerous folders that you absolutely must not touch on Windows

Many Windows laptop users often have a hobby of dabbling in and looking for new features on Windows, but there will be folders that you touch will make Windows run everything wrong.

So please pay attention to the following 6 folders to avoid corrupt Windows.

1. Program Files and Program Files (x86)

When you install anything on your computer, the installation file, usually the installation file with the .exe extension, will extract a lot of files into the computer, including many code files, registry and some other activities that help the application. application is run normally. However, if you mess around with the files in the Program Files and Program Files (x86) folders, the application you installed will fail and may crash the application. Even having to reinstall the application to be able to use it normally.

If you use 32-bit Windows, there is only Program Files folder, and you use 64-bit Windows will have Program Files (x86) to save 32-bit applications. However, do not so that you uninstall the app by deleting the file here. Never completely uninstall the app in this way.

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2. System32

Not only System32, but all files present in the C: / Windows directory should not be touched, especially the System32 file. The container contains hundreds of DLLs to maintain the normal functioning of Windows. Chances are, you will have to "embrace" if you accidentally delete any file that appears in System32. The typical symptoms of deleting System32 are the inability to use the Taskbar, the inability to open the Task Manager or the seemingly easy Shutdown and Restart of the machine, now it's no longer that simple. 

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3. Page File

Have you ever heard of virtual RAM when using your computer? This is a feature of Windows when the computer runs out of RAM to launch applications, Windows will automatically put redundant applications on the hard drive for temporary storage, the hard drive area here is called the page file. You often hear on other websites that the Page file is deleted to make the computer faster, it is true that the page file uses the hard drive to store RAM, so they are slower due to the difference in writing speed of hard drive with RAM.

However, deleting this virtual RAM does not work to make the computer faster, but also makes the computer much slower because the overflow application has no place to save it. Even the worst condition can lead to application Crash.

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4. System Volume Information

Have you ever known this directory? Unlike its name, this folder contains not only information, but also a storage location for the Windows Restore point. This is the tool for you to recover your computer after hard work on your computer. It's like you 'Save the game' before you do some adventure and lose everything in the game.

Also, if you mess around with this folder, searching in Windows will take a lot longer.

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5. WinSxS

The task of this file is intended to handle and handle the conflict, duplication, and corruption of various DLLs. You often see apps present on many earlier versions of Windows are more likely to be able to run on Windows 10 because of this file. So be careful with your decisions before you touch these files because of their annoyance. You will then decide to install a new version of Windows.

6. D3DSCache

In a nutshell, this is where a portion of the DirectX graphics library is stored. With DirectX all applications are designed to be output onto your computer screen. And it is true that this folder takes up a very small amount of space so you do not need to care about them, but if it fails, this directory will be troublesome for you.

6 dangerous folders that you absolutely must not touch on Windows Picture 56 dangerous folders that you absolutely must not touch on Windows Picture 5

So I have pointed out 6 folders you should only 'aim' should not 'touch' on Windows. Hope the article is useful to you. Thank you very much for viewing the article.

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