19 interesting things to help you 'kill' time when you're alone

Sometimes, choosing to do it alone, doing your favorite things and quietly recording the wonderful things that you yourself have felt is also a very interesting experience.

Alone is not bad. Not always meeting friends, joining crowded events or going to a busy place is when we are "alive". Sometimes, choosing to do it alone, doing your favorite things and quietly "recording" the wonderful things that you have felt is also an extremely interesting experience.

If at any time, you feel your "alone" time is too idle and there seems to be nothing to do, go through the following 19 to choose for yourself the most suitable activity. Certainly your life will be really fresh if you know how to turn "no one with you" into meaningful moments.

Please live slowly when you feel you live too fast!

1. Watch a movie you like

It can be a comedy, spy, horror, emotional, psychological, action . or any other genre. Choose a movie and start enjoying it properly: no phone, no texting, no work, no other worries . Even if you cried when watching a certain scene, suddenly the main character was in trouble or couldn't smile because of the humor of the movie, please show them all. . Nobody sees you at such times and more importantly, you do it because you are very happy.

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Watch the movie you like on your own

Another small suggestion is that if at that time, you choose a movie about the meaning of life, it will be great. Because, you will have more time to contemplate the film's message and wind up for a good start.

2. Go somewhere you like

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Travel alone, why not?

When traveling with friends or relatives, one thing is certain that we will sometimes have to compromise on places, places to eat, places to stay, time and other activities with everyone while possible. I'm not really happy with that. So, when you are alone, choose a place you want, take your backpack and . go. Think of it as a private moment for you, feel everything that happened, enjoy the new space the way you want and plan for the next step.

3. Ask yourself for a dinner

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Go eat alone

One way to get more motivation and inspiration is to reward yourself for something great. Dinner is one of those interesting gifts that you should try soon. Walking alone on the street, sitting alone in a favorite restaurant, sipping a cup of coffee, enjoying the food that used to think that it will save money once to "touch" and you will find yourself needing more effort to have more "alone" times.

4. Explore the museum

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Visit the museum alone

Discovering the museum not only helps you relax but it is also a good way to expand your limited knowledge . You can choose for yourself the nearest address, bike ride, bus ride or use a vehicle you like to get there. Certainly the feeling of learning alone will be completely different from that of many people.

5. Go to the spa

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Going to a beauty center is also a good idea for lonely times

For girls, the spa is a great idea. You often go to beauty centers with friends but what if you choose to go alone one day? There is no debate about cosmetics, care, a spa location checklist or "scrutinizing" a handsome guy anymore. Now, you have a quiet space and enjoy relaxing time in the most meaningful way.

6. Get lost in a bookstore

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Bookstore is an indispensable destination for those who like to "hide"

Visiting a bookstore is also what many young people choose if they want to do something on their own. Pull a book off the shelf and start reading it voraciously as if you were "devouring" each letter? What's more amazing?

7. Don't like watching movies, choose a TV show

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"Ellen Show" for you when you are sad

A laptop, WiFi and a cup of coffee you like, you have a lot of choices when you just want to do something yourself. Visit YouTube or a TV channel, choose your favorite shows such as The X Factor, MasterChef, Ellen Show, Oprah Winfrey or TEDTalks . You will be spoiled for discovering them, both practicing your skills Listening to English has just learned many new things.

8. Go to a concert

Find a show or an artist you like, book tickets and start preparing to go there to enjoy it. You never know what will come to you.

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"Lac" at concerts

In addition, the option of wandering the streets to enjoy live music is also an impressive alternative. You can find this every time you walk along the banks of Hoan Kiem Lake every evening.

9. Sing Karaoke

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"Selfie" alone

Not just having fun singing new karaoke. Singing alone is also the "standard" choice for those who are not confident in their vocals. Enter a theater room and you have both space and time to express the "heavenly" voice. Maybe after this "alone" session you want to sing "more publicly" than that?

10. Do not do anything and just watch

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Sit and watch to live slower

Go somewhere like a commercial center or park, choose a stone chair, sit down and watch. You will see people walking around often, talking, laughing, sometimes it's a beautiful act of someone taking the baby across the street or giving way to some old man . Choosing to live slowly also is something that each of us needs to maintain in order not to miss small but meaningful moments.

11. Take a selfie photo

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Please "selfie" yourself more

A hard working week, no time for yourself, even a photo. So this alone time is your chance to "shine". Wear the clothes you like, choose the best space and "take a selfie". Maybe when you look back, you'll love more than "crazy" times.

12. Complete something that has been set

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Choose to complete unfinished jobs

Time alone is also an ideal time to finish what you have planned or should do, such as updating your resume, re-organizing documents on your computer, moving your house, reading the book. unfinished, research a problem you like or find a new job .

13. "Exercise" for the brain

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Train your brain alone

Why not? Download some intellectual game, crossword or rubik blocks and start "brain training". You will find your mind more flexible, better and definitely more open if you apply it continuously.

14. Walking and feeling nature

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Walking in nature

Walk in a flower garden or a wooded park, feel the fresh air, listen to the birds and watch the clear blue sky . Is this enough for you to do this right away? Nothing is more wonderful than the feeling of being immersed in nature and the beauty of nature.

15. Learn to cook

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Learn to cook new food

If you are too busy with work and parties with your friends, perhaps, you should spend time alone to get into the kitchen and start learning to cook. Make a list of dishes that family members love and new dishes, then practice cooking until you feel it is enough to surprise your loved ones.

16. Staring

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Staring is also an interesting idea

What if alone at night? Open the window, go to the balcony and look up at the sky to see the sparkling stars.

17. Practice dancing alone

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Dance the way you like

You do not confidently dance in front of people but you love to dance? The problem is very simple. Close the door, turn on the music, and start shaking. Dance the way you want because nobody knows what you are doing and don't forget, when you have mastered the movements, sign up for a dance course to show off your talents.

18. Going shopping

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Go shopping alone for more freedom

Many people often do not want to go shopping with friends because each person has a hobby or has to wait too long. So let's make a list of things to buy and shop alone.

19. Take a long bath in cool water

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Relax in warm water

If you don't have access to the spa, you can also relax at home by playing a soothing music and enjoying the moment of soaking in the cool water. Your bathroom is no different from a beauty center.

Now you have 19 great tips to "kill" time all by yourself. Please mark it and start working from this week!

Update 24 May 2019


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