13 signs that you have a high emotional intelligence index

The person with a high Emotionally Quotient (Emotionally Quotient) is said to be more successful and more likely to become an excellent leader.

Emotional Intelligence (Emotional Intelligence) was proposed by American psychologists Peter Salovey and John Mayer in 1990. Basically, emotional intelligence is the ability to understand yourself, recognize your emotions. and their impact on those around you , and identify other people's feelings : when you understand people's emotions, you will better control those relationships. Currently, emotional intelligence is evaluated by the EQ index (Emotional Quotient).

According to Professor Daniel Goleman (Harvard University), many studies show that "90% of the factors that determine the prominence in leaders' careers are emotional intelligence" , IQ (intelligence index). ) only second only.

Here are 13 characteristics of people with high emotional intelligence and you can rely on these signs to see if they are among them.

Picture 1 of 13 signs that you have a high emotional intelligence index

1. Understand yourself

People with a high level of emotional intelligence live optimistically, understand their strengths, weaknesses, emotions and know how to use emotions to influence others. At the same time, they also listen, always receive suggestions and analysis to find the best ways to optimize work.

2. Respect relationships

People with high emotional intelligence index live open, sincere so their relationships are always sustainable. They are patient, not easy to give up and accept all the challenges in life no matter how hard or harsh adversity is. They understand that negative emotions such as lack of respect, stress, impulse or anger when left uncontrolled can disrupt family affection, love, friendship, co-workers . That's why They always try to maintain a calm state, consider carefully the problem, find ways to relieve the problems in a fair and reasonable way but still based on the satisfaction of all the people they love.

3. Giving away but not accepting it

Picture 2 of 13 signs that you have a high emotional intelligence index

People with high emotional intelligence are people with a heart of sympathy, concern and sharing with others' circumstances. They spend time, energy and resources to build, develop, and maintain relationships; especially when conflicts occur, people with EQ indicators are patient, endure, listen to people's opinions before giving their opinions. They help others in the most sincere and enthusiastic way without comparing, calculating or benefiting.

4. No hate, hatred

People with emotional intelligence understand their feelings and that of others so they completely control their anger, anger and never let emotions go out of their control. They clearly distinguish between emotions and reason to always make the best decisions, beneficial for everyone.

5. Understand the limits

People with high emotional intelligence know people who are not perfect, anyone can make mistakes and the most important thing is not to blame. Therefore, when there are shortcomings, they quickly acknowledge, find the wrong point, receive comments and start acting to correct their mistakes. In particular, they never push the responsibility for others.

6. Avoid confronting negative people

Picture 3 of 13 signs that you have a high emotional intelligence index

Confronting people with negative attitudes, conservatives often take time and energy because they are always looking for ways to protect their views, while trying to make others admit defeat. Therefore, people with emotional intelligence do not confront this type of person. On the contrary, they choose a persuasive way to direct people with negative thoughts to change their attitudes positively and make sure they do not affect their relationship or create hatred.

7. Balance between work and life

People are not a machine. Therefore, a balance between work and life will ensure each person always feels happier. People with high emotional intelligence always see things in a good way, they don't waste too much time on sensational news, chatting with friends or "virtual living" on social networks with comment, "Like" or post pictures "take a selfie" .

8. Easy to adapt

Life changes constantly, especially in modern society and people with emotional intelligence are actively adjusting themselves to adapt to those changes. They understand that change is a certainty and inevitable, but that doesn't mean they have to follow unhealthy movements. On the contrary, people with high EQ maintain themselves before the temptations of life, away from social evils and live with themselves.

9. Likes to explore

Picture 4 of 13 signs that you have a high emotional intelligence index

People with high emotional intelligence constantly discover, learn, expand knowledge and creativity at work. They are never satisfied with what they know but want to learn more deeply and thoroughly to improve themselves. Curious curiosity makes people with emotional intelligence "a positive attraction" to those around them. They are always the ones to find solutions to the challenges that the group is facing, and create a strong motivation for everyone in the group to have similar tendencies like them.

10. Interested in your own health

In order to maintain and develop emotional intelligence, a good physical and mental health is very important. Therefore, people with high EQ always build themselves a healthy lifestyle by resting, eating well and science. As a result, they become more resilient and flexible before the change of the environment.

11. Live discipline and commitment

Picture 5 of 13 signs that you have a high emotional intelligence index

People with high EQ are always clear in their goals, oriented and prioritize jobs. When they started working, they focused highly on completing the committed mission with the best results but not unobtrusive or complacent when achieving more outstanding achievements than people. Therefore, they always receive the support and affection of their colleagues as well as the trust of management.

12. Understand why worry or stress

People with emotional intelligence are always aware of their emotions, so when they are nervous or stressed, they know the reason. Therefore, they know how to control them and find ways to relieve them in time.

13. Good communication skills

Whether friends or strangers, people with high emotional intelligence know how to start the story to make the best impression. They are always friendly, open to everyone but do not try to be central. On the contrary, they create a sense of comfort so that everyone feels that they are respected and part of the story.

Update 24 May 2019


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