13 pictures still need an explanation to understand the problem

Test your imagination through the unusual and absurd photos below to see if you can explain what's going on.

Picture 1 of 13 pictures still need an explanation to understand the problem

I'm not a magician, this is simply a photo that captured the exact moment I jumped!

Picture 2 of 13 pictures still need an explanation to understand the problem

A giant cat?

Picture 3 of 13 pictures still need an explanation to understand the problem

Wow, why is the dog's leg growing out of its mouth? It's so strange!

Picture 4 of 13 pictures still need an explanation to understand the problem

A strange cloud makes many people panic when looking at this photo.

Picture 5 of 13 pictures still need an explanation to understand the problem

Who's hand? My hand or my girlfriend's hand? You guess what.

Picture 6 of 13 pictures still need an explanation to understand the problem

Behind the 'speaker ward'! Turns out, from the back, the speakers look like pigeons.

Picture 7 of 13 pictures still need an explanation to understand the problem

Wow! Hello! Where's the man's head in the photo? Can someone explain it to me, I'm so confused.

Picture 8 of 13 pictures still need an explanation to understand the problem

Giant Lizard???

Picture 9 of 13 pictures still need an explanation to understand the problem

It's not that the stuff in the back of the car was stolen, it's because the owner of the car added a layer of mirror there.

Picture 10 of 13 pictures still need an explanation to understand the problem

The floor is 'swallowing' the trumpet.

Picture 11 of 13 pictures still need an explanation to understand the problem

What the hell is going on with the girl in the picture? Whose hand is that, why is it sticking out like that?

Picture 12 of 13 pictures still need an explanation to understand the problem

Ooh, ooh! The dog in the picture is a circus 'actor' that can stand on one leg upright like a dancer. Oh, no, it's simply the dog's first time going to the beach to play.

Picture 13 of 13 pictures still need an explanation to understand the problem

Alien flying saucers visit Earth? No, just light bulbs but why are they floating in the sky like that?

After looking at the pictures above, can you understand why they are like that?

Update 29 December 2021


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