Many people have heard 'strange sounds' when looking at this animated picture, what about you?

An animated picture is of course no sound. But when I looked at the moving picture depicting the giant high-voltage electric poles playing jump rope below, many people shared that they heard strange sounds every time the electric pole landed and the screen shook.

An animated picture is of course no sound. But when I looked at the moving picture depicting the giant high-voltage electric poles playing jump rope below, many people shared that they heard strange sounds every time the electric pole landed and the screen shook.

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This picture is here! Please look and try listening to see any sound!

Many people have heard 'strange sounds' when looking at this animated picture, what about you? Picture 1Many people have heard 'strange sounds' when looking at this animated picture, what about you? Picture 1

Dr. Lisa DeBruine - Psychologist from Glasgow University posted this picture on the witter and asked everyone: "Does anyone know why we hear the sound when looking at this picture?"

There were 20,000 people who looked at his animated picture, of which 75% said they heard a "pounding" sound every time a pole landed. Nearly 15% share, they hear "another type of sound" and just over 10% say they don't hear anything.

So, the strange sound that many people hear from where it came from?

According to Dr. DeBruine's explanation, an ear effect, called "negative reflex" - acoustic reflex is the cause of that sound.

Negative reflexes are unconditional reflections to the muscles in the ears, which occur every time we talk or hear sounds that are too loud. Meanwhile, to protect sensitive parts in the ear from injury, the muscles will pull to the middle ear.

But the eyes have observed and recorded, rather than 'expecting' a sound tremor. Visual information is transmitted to the brain. Based on past information and experience, the auditory brain prepares to respond to ear protection.

Many people have heard 'strange sounds' when looking at this animated picture, what about you? Picture 2Many people have heard 'strange sounds' when looking at this animated picture, what about you? Picture 2
Audio picture of Dr. Gustav Khun.

Dr. Gustav Khun from Goldsmiths University, London, also agreed and said: 'Our brain has' learned' that when a large object falls to the ground, it will make a sound. And this has caused hallucinations. Many people who look at moving pictures will hear voices because they expect it, unconsciously. "

What about you, when you look at the picture above, do you hear any sound?

See also: Pair of giant stone statues emitting a mysterious sound in Egypt

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