10 habits of 'nourishing' kidney disease every day need to stop immediately

10 extremely dangerous habits for kidneys need to be stopped immediately.

Kidney disease is one of the very dangerous diseases but not easily detected through external manifestations. Because of this, there are many habits that are still maintained daily accidentally become a source of "nurturing" kidney disease that we sometimes do not notice. Therefore, take the initiative to find out now to take preventive measures as well as prevent early and 10 very familiar habits here are what you need to change first if you do not want kidney disease chronic.

1. Stay up late

You can be confident that you are a true "night owl" but unfortunately this habit is gradually causing your kidneys to be damaged. In addition, people with sleep disorders or poor sleep are also likely to develop symptoms of kidney disease.

Picture 1 of 10 habits of 'nourishing' kidney disease every day need to stop immediately

2. Drug abuse

The abuse of some drugs such as antibiotics, Cephalosporin, Aminosid, analgesics or antiviral drugs . are capable of damaging kidney cells, reducing kidney function.

3. Abuse of functional foods

If using dietary supplements without a doctor's instructions, the possibility of adverse effects on the kidneys is unavoidable. However, the fact that more and more people prefer to use this food without caring about its harm.

Picture 2 of 10 habits of 'nourishing' kidney disease every day need to stop immediately

4. Overwork

Working continuously for many days and the pressure is too great to make the body tired, causing nephrotic disease, not to mention that the brain is not effective and less lucid than before.

5. Drink too much alcohol

Not only is it harmful to the liver, alcohol is also the "common air" enemy of the kidney. Therefore, the more you drink the more alcohol means you are gradually bringing yourself closer to the unpredictable manifestations of chronic kidney disease.

Picture 3 of 10 habits of 'nourishing' kidney disease every day need to stop immediately

6. Abrupt exercise

Maintaining a habit of exercising irregularly and exercising abnormally will cause the body to not adapt to strong impacts, overloaded kidneys, cause kidney damage and risk of failure. Acute kidney.

7. Eat too much salt

Eating a lot of salt causes a sudden increase in blood pressure, which makes the blood in the kidney not guaranteed, causing kidney damage.

Picture 4 of 10 habits of 'nourishing' kidney disease every day need to stop immediately

8. Just drink beer and eat seafood

Seafood contains a lot of protein which means high levels of purine and large nucleotides. These ingredients, when mixed with beer, produce a lot of uric acid, which increases the burden on the kidneys, causing uric acid in the blood to rise, possibly even causing kidney stones and uremia.

9. Drink solid tea

Concentrated tea can help keep your mind alert but using it regularly or using it after drinking alcohol can seriously damage your kidneys.

Picture 5 of 10 habits of 'nourishing' kidney disease every day need to stop immediately

10. Urinate

Being too focused on work or reducing urination time to do something will keep urine in the bladder, causing urinary tract infection and pyelonephritis. If this phenomenon occurs regularly, it is likely to cause chronic infection and it is difficult to restore kidney health.

Update 24 May 2019


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