Your 10 kidney warning signs are having problems

Frequent fatigue, headache, itchy hands and feet ... can all be signs that your kidneys are not working properly. Join us to find out your 10 kidney warning signs that are having problems for timely treatment!
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Every day the human brain processes tons of information, the body performs thousands of different actions. Busy life now makes it easy to miss the signals that the body sends. The consequences of not communicating and responding to these signals can be harmful to health.

The kidney is a very important part of the body because it serves two main functions: cleaning and detoxifying. Kidneys will be responsible for removing excess fluids and wastes , while supporting bone health and regulating blood pressure and electrolyte balance in the body. Therefore, if any kidney function has problems, it will seriously affect your health in the long term.

Today, we have listed a list of signs that your kidneys are not working properly. How many body signals have you received?Join us to find out your 10 kidney warning signs that are having problems for timely treatment!

1. Difficulty sleeping

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When your kidneys are not working well, the body's toxins accumulate, can't be released through the urine and remain in the blood.Too much toxin in your body will affect your sleep and that's why you often fall into a state of hardship and sleeplessness.

Warning: People with chronic kidney disease often develop symptoms of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes one or more times, can last from a few seconds to a minute. After each apnea, normal breathing returns with a gasp. Continuous snoring signals indicate that it's time for you to see a doctor.

2. Frequent headache, fatigue and weakness

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Healthy and normal kidneys function to convert vitamin D in the body to maintain strong bones and produce a hormone called Erythropoietin (EPO). This hormone plays an important role in red blood cell production. When the kidneys are not working well, they produce less EPO. Red blood cell depletion (oxygen-bearing cells) will affect the muscles and brain area, causing frequent aches and pains.

Warning : Usually, people with chronic kidney disease may develop anemia. Anemia may begin to develop when someone has only 20% to 50% of normal kidney function. If you have enough time to rest and sleep, but continually experience fatigue, low energy and body weakness, you should not delay visiting a doctor.

3. Dry and itchy skin

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When the kidneys work normally, they remove waste products and excess fluid from the blood , help produce red blood cells and maintain the proper amount of minerals in the body. Dry or itchy skin can be a sign that your kidneys are not working properly, losing mineral balance and nutrients can lead to bone and kidney disease.

Warning: If you have dry and itchy skin, try to drink more water. Remember, before taking any antipyretic medicine, consult your doctor. Some medicines have ingredients that can damage your kidney function.

4. Strange breath

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When waste builds up in the blood, it changes the taste of the foods you eat and makes the breath smell unpleasant.Bad breath is a sign of too much toxin and blood pollution. In addition, this condition also causes you to lose appetite and do not want to eat anything, leading to a rapid weight loss.

Warning: There are many reasons why food may have a strange smell (from allergy to poor dental health). Usually, strange smells in the mouth will disappear if the presumed cause is treated. Also, if strange odors continue to appear, you should contact your doctor to check.

5. Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath

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Reducing the number of red blood cells in the body will lead to a decrease in oxygen and a shortness of breath, shortness of breath. Firstly, when the kidneys act abnormally, the body's fluid will move into the lungs. Secondly, lack of blood loss of oxygen oxygen and this leads to shortness of breath.

Warning: There are many different reasons for asthma from kidney failure to asthma or lung cancer. If you notice that you are panting after mild activity, you should contact your doctor immediately. This is one of the common symptoms of kidney disease that you should not ignore if you encounter it.

6. Swelling of the limbs

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When the kidneys are not working well, the excess fluid builds up in the body, causing swelling in the ankles, feet or hands. Moreover, swelling in the lower part of the body is also a warning sign that your heart and liver are having problems.

Warning: Sometimes taking oral medications, reducing salt intake and removing excess amounts in the body can prevent limb swelling. If it does not help, you need separate treatment.

7. Back pain

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Renal failure can lead to back pain in the lower and right part of the chest, felt in front of the groin or hip. Back pain and leg pain may be due to kidney follicles, sacs filled with fluid that form on the kidneys and are the result of polycystic kidney disease.

Advice: Back pain due to kidney failure is accompanied by a feeling of weakness, vomiting, elevated body temperature and frequent urination. Normal back pain does not correlate with other kidney activities: pain is more local and occurs suddenly, without fever. If you are constantly suffering from back pain and pain relievers are not effective, see your doctor.

8. Puffy eyes

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The blisters around your eye area are also a sign that your kidney dialysis system is not working well. Because in fact, your kidneys are leaking a large amount of protein into the urine so it accumulates and distributes throughout the body.

Tip : If you are sure your body is well rested and absorbs enough protein but is constantly swollen around your eyes, schedule a visit immediately.

9. High blood pressure

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Circulatory and renal systems depend on each other . Kidneys with small nephron filter waste and excess fluid from the blood. If the blood vessels are damaged, your dialysis nephron will not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. That's why high blood pressure is the second leading cause of kidney failure.

Tips: Learn how to adjust high blood pressure to avoid kidney failure. Add more foods rich in folic acid because it engages in the production of red blood cells and helps prevent anemia.

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10. There is a change in urination

Your 10 kidney warning signs are having problems Picture 10Your 10 kidney warning signs are having problems Picture 10 © Depositphotos

The kidneys are responsible for producing urine and eliminating excess waste in the body. Some changes in the number of passes, the smell and color of urine are signs you should not ignore. Some common changes when urinating are:

  1. Increased need to urinate, especially at night . Going about 4 to 10 times a day is considered normal.
  2. See blood in urine . Healthy kidneys filter waste from the blood to produce urine, but if the filter breaks down, blood cells can start to ' leak ' into the urine.
  3. There is urine foam . Bubbles in the urine especially those that require you to flush several times until they disappear, showing unwanted protein in the urine.

Do you encounter the above signs? Please share your experience with us in the comments section below!

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