10 Google Web security issues

On April 20, Google received a letter from 10 countries around the world asking the firm to search for this giant to enhance security services for users.

TipsMake.com - On April 20, Google received a letter from 10 countries around the world asking the company to search for this giant to enhance security services for users. The letter specifically refers to the Google Buzz social networking service as well as Google Street View.

For its part, Google said it had spoken on security issues in the past and will not discuss it further. Google has faced a lot of security related cases and it is also not the company with the most trouble.Here are 10 issues that the company cannot ignore:

1. Google Street View can be completely compromised

Some European countries are particularly opposed to Google Street View. They argue that Google is displaying the amount of personal information large enough to be considered a violation of personal secrets. In response to this, Google has transferred all of the identified information in these countries so that no one can identify an individual's identity in any photo. This is Google's first effective response. But in fact, Street View can be completely compromised if this giant search firm cannot control the photos in a uniform way. When the service was first launched, some websites occasionally received some interesting, sometimes funny and scary results from Street View. This service has been merged with Google, but people are also debating whether to put security services into it.

2. Most users want to hide information

Although the Internet is becoming more socialized and some users are willing to share their personal information, the Internet is still where most people want to hide their personal information. me Although Google wants to speed up Internet users and not leave the information hidden, users still want to hide their personal information. Google should respect that. Making Web pages more open than a good job, but disturbing customers is not a good idea at all.

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3. Integrating social networks with email programs is not always good

Countries that have sent letters to Google have found problems in the search giant's decision to include Buzz with an email program. They argue that a social tool should not be relevant with a platform to send messages. This is not the craziest thing everyone hears. When Google launched Buzz, it allowed outsiders to see regular contacts in a Gmail account of the contact person. Google has also fixed security flaws in social networks, but skepticism rises when it launches social networks into an email program. Looking back on what happened, Google probably shouldn't.

4. Users believe in long-term security policies

Without mentioning other issues, Internet users always want to know if they can trust the company in the long run. Any online company that has a long history and confidence in customer privacy policies is often more trusted than other companies. Google needs to keep in mind that although it may be the most important Internet company, it does not mean that it is satisfied with its security. Microsoft is starting to gain some online market share. If Microsoft can have moves to attract more customers than Google, the search giant will face difficulties. The more security the customer will get, the better.

5. Security does not mean keeping it confidential

The controversy surrounding security issues as above does not imply mandatory Google to protect consumers on every inch. Google should research to make ways of securing customers as much as possible. But it shouldn't be excessive. Security is very important and users will definitely appreciate it, but at times, users are willing to bypass some security policies to be able to use the product. Take social networks like Facebook and MySpace, or Foursquare. The success of these firms is due to the liberalization of information. Security does not mean that Google needs to keep users' information completely confidential.

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6. Security issues must win information problems

When operating a social network, a company needs to find the right balance between security and providing information to users. Rich information will attract users, companies like Facebook, MySpace and now Google wants users to share as much information as possible. But besides measuring, asking users to share information they feel uncomfortable to share is not a smart idea. Facbook has been working hard to find the best balance in this area, and Google should do the same.

7. Bring more options for users

Facebook can find the right balance between the availability of information and the security of information by giving users more control over the protection of their personal information than What social networking period is on the market. After some criticism, Facebook has come up with a very effective security control policy. Users can decide how much information they want to share and with whom. Google has done a pretty good job of making choices for users with Buzz, but compared to Facebook, perhaps this giant searcher still has to consider to expand more.

8. Honesty is important

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The last thing that Google should do is make yourself 'lost' in controlling security policies. Web users will not value companies that make promises but don't keep them. Google should keep that in mind. So far, Google has done quite well in security control and the company has also been quite honest in the process. But sometimes, network companies often promise but do nothing to fulfill that promise. Google should not be one of them. Honestly tell what the company will do and not do to protect users, that's the most important thing.

9. 'Don't be a devil'

When Google first launched the slogan ' Don't be a devil ', it only meant a way to ridicule the police. But now, this slogan is very meaningful to users. Because users know that Google should not be ' evil '. They expect the company to take the right steps. Admittedly, this is impossible. Google cannot ignore user expectations. The company should focus its efforts to prove to the world that in the past, the company may have made mistakes, but it is trying to 'not become a devil'. And if the company has such actions, it will surely gain the trust of its users.

10. Think before you act

Google's security issues in the past few years seem to indicate that the company didn't think before launching a product. Google should know that users need more effective security policies. It seems that Google wants to develop Buzz, not to stop and evaluate what to do to attract more customers and then continue to launch the product. Buzz was released before it was completed and it was met with a lot of criticism. Thinking before acting, it may not be pleasant, but it will be a good step for Google.

Update 26 May 2019


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