You know how to cook delicious bamboo shoots in the right way on Tet holiday

Bamboo shoots are a dish that is very familiar at every party or Tet holidays. This is a very good dish and can make many delicious dishes for the family.

The pork shoots soup, also known as dried bamboo shoots, is an indispensable dish in the Tet holiday of Vietnamese families. Taste and hot will be suitable for a meal in the cold days of the North. A bowl of bamboo shoots is served with pickled onions, the meat is very warm. So you know how to cook these bamboo shoots? If not, immediately consult how to cook this traditional soup for the whole family to enjoy. You need to prepare the following materials:

  1. Dried bamboo shoots: 500gr
  2. Pork feet: 1 piece
  3. Bone: 300gr
  4. Spices, salt, fish sauce, main noodles, pepper
  5. Onion

Picture 1 of You know how to cook delicious bamboo shoots in the right way on Tet holiday

How to choose good dried bamboo shoots : You should choose to buy brownish yellow bamboo shoots, which are cut into small pieces and have no salt soaked on the shoots. If buying big bamboo shoots, the time for soaking bamboo shoots and boiling bamboo shoots will be longer. Pure bamboo shoots must also retain the characteristic scent of new bamboo shoots. Dried bamboo shoots picked yellow bud shoots without fiber and shoots. Dried bamboo shoots usually have four types: bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots and pig tongue shoots.

Picture 2 of You know how to cook delicious bamboo shoots in the right way on Tet holiday


Step 1 : Dried bamboo shoots after buying, which ones are old, you can cut old age, wash and soak at least 1 night, and if you have time, soak it from 2.3 nights. You can soak the rice water on the first day, to the next day, replace it with clean water every day to make it fully expandable, and can remove all the dirt, making the bamboo white and tastier.

After finishing soaking, put the bamboo shoots in the basket, let the bamboo shoots be drained and put in the pot of water and continue boiling until the bamboo shoots are completely soft. The pot should be boiled for at least an hour with medium fire. After that, continue decanting all the boiled water, add new water and heat for about an hour to soften the shoots. In the process of heating, if you see that the bamboo shoots are shallow, you have to add water to the bamboo so that the bamboo shoots are always submerged.

Picture 3 of You know how to cook delicious bamboo shoots in the right way on Tet holiday

Step 2 : When the bamboo shoots are soft, remove the bamboo shoots, put them in the basket to drain and wait until the bamboo shoots completely cool, tear the bamboo shoots into thin strips and then eat, then continue to rinse with clean water. This will help bamboo shoots become more attractive and easier to eat.

Picture 4 of You know how to cook delicious bamboo shoots in the right way on Tet holiday

Step 3 : Add the onion to the aroma then stir-fry it over, add a pinch of salt and fish sauce for the bamboo shoot. Note, when stir-fry you should leave the fire low to make the bamboo shoots evenly cooked.

Step 4 : Clove and bone are washed, rub salt to remove all odors of pork, then bring the ceiling through hot water when the bone broth broth will be clearer.

Step 5 : Put the nails and bone into the pot for 30 minutes. When you have bones and nails you should note that if you have foam, remove all the foam so that the soup is clear, not cloudy and fragrant broth. If you want more fragrant broth, you can add a small piece of cinnamon.

Picture 5 of You know how to cook delicious bamboo shoots in the right way on Tet holiday

Step 6 : After the porridge pot and the bone have sufficient time, you should put the previously dried fried shoots into the pot, continue to simmer until the soft shoots, spring rolls and bones are fine. The last step is to re-taste the spice to taste and then turn off the heat.

Picture 6 of You know how to cook delicious bamboo shoots in the right way on Tet holiday

According to traditional school nutrition, sweet and sour bamboo shoots are slightly bitter, it is used to convert gas, heat, except to disturb, dissolve and detoxify, convenient and convenient, often used to make food and make medicine. For people suffering from heat stroke, heat-related cough with many yellow sputum, edema due to nephritis, heart failure and nourishment, measles and chickenpox in children, high fever, appetite, indigestion, urination disadvantageous, inconvenient defecation .

Bamboo shoots are the preschools of bamboo ., and there are many different ways to call them, such as bamboo, bamboo, bamboo, etc. For Eastern countries, bamboo shoots are one of the most popular dishes. most of them. In our country, bamboo shoots are also one of the most commonly used ingredients for processing many popular dishes. It is lacking if there is a lack of bamboo shoots on the trays of holidays and Tet.

With dried bamboo shoots, you can cook with other foods to create a delicious dish in Tet meals such as stewed chicken broth soup, dried bamboo shoots cooked with young ribs, shaggy duck meat . With dishes Eat and suggest the above processing, hope you will have a delicious pot of bamboo shoots for your family at every meal.

Refer to some of the following articles:

  1. How to boil delicious and delicious chicken, not cracked
  2. Hand-made stir-fried spring rolls for the whole family on Tet
  3. How to make beautiful lotus flowers from Oishi candies displayed on the altar of Tet
Update 24 May 2019


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