World War Z: Some tips for newbies

Here are some World War Z tips to help you get used to the game faster and easier

World War Z, Saber Interactive's co-op zombie shooting game was officially launched, bringing the fascinating experiences of the zombie genre. And of course, there is no easy zombie game even for players who are considered "Zombie hunters".

If you adjust the difficulty to a high level, even experienced gamers in the Zombie genre will be very hard to overcome the aggressive corpses. You will join 3 other players to enter the zombie world and start from the bottom of this article. Here are some tips you should know if you want to hunt zombies effectively in World War Z.

  1. Guide to play Zombie PUBG Mobile VNG mode
  2. Guide to playing Zombie mode: Darkest Night PUBG Mobile
  3. PUBG Mobile Zombie: Combine all types of zombies and how to deal with them

Tips for playing World War Z for newbies

Starting with easy level

Picture 1 of World War Z: Some tips for newbies

When you do not know anything about the game, gamers will often choose the most pleasant game mode to get familiar with the game. World War Z has 5 levels of play from easy to difficult in the game, usually gamers will choose Normal or Hard. With Normal, it is possible that new players can still survive, but if choosing Hard, it will be difficult, players may die quickly and more than Normal.

Now Easy will be the most suitable mode to get used to the game. With this mode, players will not be too difficult to get used to the game, easily enjoy the story of World War Z as well as the use of weapons, items, character features . in World War Z After knowing all of those things, it is most reasonable to go to the harder levels.

Invite friends to play

Picture 2 of World War Z: Some tips for newbies

World War Z is a multi-player Co-Op online game, which co-op game if you want to have the best experience, you should play with your friends, or at least catch any "legitimate" teammates.

When there are friends to play with, you will work better with your team. If there is no stable communication in the middle of the team, the combination will not be very good. It is best to invite your friends to join the game, and the more you eat, the better will help you kill more zombies.

Maintain the squad

Picture 3 of World War Z: Some tips for newbies

Most of the levels in World War Z will put the party in an open area, in which the whole team will encounter hundreds of Zombies. This concept will appear in the first few stages, when the whole team will fight the zombies in the lobby area of ​​the Mall, and the player must set up defenses, preventing the zombies from entering.

At this point, you and your teammates need to maintain the formation to attack continuously. If your squad is fully equipped and each team member is divided into positions and effectively defended, the chances of every zombie passing through the gate will be destroyed quickly. If you just ignore a bit, you and the team will be in trouble.

Always go together

Picture 4 of World War Z: Some tips for newbies

In addition to the arena-based confrontations, World War Z has many screens in traditional corridors. It is very interesting that you can cross these areas to reach the next goal.

But it is also dangerous when players have to deal with a series of monsters like Zombie Creeper and Bull that can crush players who are careless and weaken them until they are saved by other players. Even if you are a wolf that is used to fighting alone, it is better to go with other players.

Picture 5 of World War Z: Some tips for newbies

In the game screen will have many goals, including the ultimate goal of the first stage in New York. You and the team will have to search a large area and bring back the required items and gather them at a central point.

Separating to find things is always beneficial for yourself, but it will lead to you or the entire team being destroyed. The zombies will not need to split up to find friends but the whole team will separate themselves. At least you should go with another player to cover each other. If you choose which mode is harder than Normal, the team must stick together.

Silence is gold

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There are many quests in World War Z that can be completed without attracting the attention of the living corpses. Using weapons that are not noisy will help the team not to have to kill the zombies.

The most effective items at the moment are the original pistol, or using indispensable melee weapons in the zombie game genre, or simply melee attacks that will help you get past the bases. Large room without having to deal damage.

There are also 4 or 5 level guns that also include silencer, such as Shotgun Combat or Sporting Combine. You can use them with single zombies to avoid the council.

Choose the right weapon

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Choosing the best weapon for yourself is not only in games like PUBG Mobile, but in World War Z is also important. Furthermore, in World War Z weapons also gain experience and can be promoted, except for a few weapons such as the Revolver Double Barrel Shotgun.

Level 5 is the maximum level of each gun, once you have chosen the right weapon according to your play style. Keep it with you, if the weapon is upgraded it will be much more powerful than if you invest it.

Reasonable Credit use

Picture 8 of World War Z: Some tips for newbies

Upgrade weapons, characters by classes or even Multiplayer character classes. It all costs you Credit. Some upgrades will definitely be attractive, but not enough for you to use, it is better to choose some fixed upgrades, especially during the early game when you're in easy level.

Instead of buying every upgrade, you can buy higher level versions, for example Level 2, which costs about 150 Credit. Then wait until level 5 version, it will cost you about 1,000 Credit.

Overcome some levels at higher levels, of course you also get higher credit. So when you upgrade your weapon, the stronger you are, and at the same time, you can hunt for more credits.

Select character class

Picture 9 of World War Z: Some tips for newbies

You will have about 6 character classes in World War Z, each with different strengths / weaknesses. At the beginning, these classes will be the same but at level 10 it will start to be different.

With two difficulty levels Easy and Normal, there will not be too many tactics in choosing a character class. But with higher difficulty, it is best to have a Medic and Fixer.

Handle a Zombie wall

Picture 10 of World War Z: Some tips for newbies

You must have seen the moment when a pack of Zombie tried to climb each other to overcome the wall barrier, if you had ever seen World War Z. And now it appears in World War Z. Scene. a statue of a zombie trying to cross the barrier to try to attack the player will make the player tense and concentrate as much as possible if he wants to take down the bodies of this living creature.

The fastest way is that you should equip a grenade launcher, then shoot at the hordes of zombies huddled below. And you can focus firepower on the zombies above, if you focus resources and have enough ammunition weapons, taking down a Zombie wall is very easy.

Bring Medic and Fixer

Picture 11 of World War Z: Some tips for newbies

For many people who play shooter games, Medic is a familiar name, this character can help you recover your blood and allies' blood. And when using Medkit, the character will heal more blood. Because Medkit sets are quite rare in World War Z, a little extra blood is really useful.

The Fixer has the ability to start the game with a Breach Charge item when it reaches level 10. It will help players open doors to search for weapons, defenses and even Medkit, at difficult levels like Insane, a Breacher Charge can also help players turn things around.

Picture 12 of World War Z: Some tips for newbies

Fixer may not have grenades, electric guns or petrol bombs. But they can carry a cargo box, helping members in the team to get special bullets that explode bullets. This bullet is much more powerful than normal bullets, which can help you easily destroy a Bull in a very short time.

Avoid a Bull

Picture 13 of World War Z: Some tips for newbies

Extremely annoying Bull Bulls that are annoying to players because their attack power is very dangerous. Bulls themselves are buffalos and cows so you will need strong firepower to destroy them quickly.

They also have the ability to rush into players and capture them, dealing continuous damage until they are defeated by other players. One trick is that you only have to find an obstacle between you and the Bull, you will have time to run away when it rushes into that obstacle.

Be careful with the Creeper

Picture 14 of World War Z: Some tips for newbies

Another dangerous zombie is no less than Bull, it's a Creeper. Like Bull, Creeper can pounce on you and you won't be able to do anything but wait for your partner to respond. However, the Creeper's health is not much higher than that of regular zombies.

And if you reflect fast, the ability to destroy it before it jumps on you is possible. The sign to know that the Creeper is approaching is that the characters will comment on it, then check out every corner, the perfect hiding places of these creatures.

Play PvP mode

Picture 15 of World War Z: Some tips for newbies

In addition to the default game mode of Co-op, players will experience traditional Multiplayer PvP mode. In this mode, the live corpses will still appear in 4v4 modes, creating a special feature compared to the usual standard you still see in this mode.

Winning a game in PvP mode gives players 250 credits. The advice is that you should gather the best members of your team to earn money and upgrade your character's weapons later on.

If you're new and don't know what to do, learn how to play World War Z with the tips above. There are many things that can help you when you join World War Z. Quantrimang will update you for reference.

Update 23 May 2019


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