Why is hail?

Hail is the phenomenon of rain in the form of particles or icicles with different shapes and sizes, which can range from 5mm to tens of centimeters. Hailstones often fall with showers and often have an unbalanced sphere.

Hail is the phenomenon of rain in the form of particles or icicles with different shapes and sizes, which can range from 5mm to tens of centimeters. Hailstones often fall with showers and often have an unbalanced sphere.

Hail usually occurs in the summer, formed in the context of strong atmospheric convection and thunderstorm clouds.

Hail usually occurs in the mountains, areas adjacent to the sea or the mountains. In Vietnam, hail can occur in all regions.

Mechanism of hail formation, you can watch in the video below.

Hail falls at high velocity in the atmosphere. The bigger the size, the heavier the weight, the higher the hail falling velocity. The average velocity of hail grain ranges from 30 - 60m / s, even up to 90m / s. At such a high speed, falling hailstones can cause severe damage to trees and vegetables, even causing severe damage to corrugated iron roofs.

Picture 1 of Why is hail?
Hail in Yen Bai.

Recognize the impending hail phenomenon

We can identify imminent hail based on a number of weather features such as:

During the day, strong thunderstorms make continuous "buzzing, roaring" sounds, dark clouds cover the sky, shaped like breasts, and the air temperature cools very quickly. Thunderstorms at night, the wind is blowing suddenly, the weather is suddenly cold .

If sprinkling a few raindrops along with the above phenomena, it is likely that hail will occur, people need to find a safe hiding place immediately.

Update 04 March 2020


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