Which country owns the most powerful supercomputers today?

Supercomputers are large computer systems that can handle and analyze huge data streams thanks to being equipped with tens of thousands of processors.

Supercomputers are large computer systems that can handle and analyze huge data streams thanks to being equipped with tens of thousands of processors.

China is the country that owns the largest number of supercomputers in the world today, with 229 supercomputers, the United States ranks second with 108 of the 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world. Other countries included in this list include Japan (31 supercomputers), England (20), France (18), Germany (17), Ireland (12), Canada (8) .

Notably, even though it is only in the second position, the US is the country with the 2 fastest computers in the world today. In the race to own supercomputers, up to 5 out of the 10 fastest supercomputers in the world are now owned by the United States. Meanwhile, China only owns 2/10 fastest supercomputers today.

Picture 1 of Which country owns the most powerful supercomputers today?

Currently, the world's most powerful supercomputer is now the Summit supercomputing system, first introduced by IBM and US computer firms in November 2018. Summit is equipped with 9,216 POWER9 processors (with 22 cores / processors), 27,648 Nvidia Tesla graphics cards, storage memory up to 250PB (equivalent to 250 million GB) and reaches a record speed of up to 200 petaflop (million billion floating point calculations per second), much faster than the second supercomputer Sierra with a speed of 125 petaflop, also owned by the United States.

The Summit supercomputing system is currently located at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (under the US Department of Energy).

Currently, most supercomputers are using the Linux operating system

Here is a list of the 10 most powerful supercomputers in the world today along with their speed, please watch.

Picture 2 of Which country owns the most powerful supercomputers today?

See more:

  1. The most powerful supercomputer today, has 1 million processing cores, equal to 1% of human brain power
  2. What's special about supercomputers that survived 1 year on ISS International Space Station?
  3. Japan tests the world's most powerful synthetic nuclear research supercomputer
Update 24 May 2019


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