What will happen if you stop smoking now?

If you stop smoking, how will your body change? What is the harmful effect of tobacco? Why are we so hard to quit smoking? Let's read the article about the change of the body when stopping smoking under the line you will partly have answers to these questions.

If you stop smoking, how will your body change? What is the harmful effect of tobacco ? Why are we so hard to quit smoking ? Let's read the article about the change of the body when stopping smoking under the string you will partly have answers to these questions.

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According to estimates in the United States, up to 25% of the population aged 18 and older smoke cigarettes. Scientists have identified about 4,000 types of chemicals in cigarettes , including more than 50 chemicals known to cause cancer . In fact, the World Health Organization ( WHO ) has emphasized that 1 person in the world dies from smoking . Estimates show that 1 in 2 people will die from tobacco-related diseases like cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ), myocardial infarction, stroke and other diseases.

Picture 1 of What will happen if you stop smoking now?

While great health effects from smoking are increasing, each of us can completely limit the effects of this behavior. Quitting smoking immediately helps reduce the risk of smoking related dangerous diseases and can significantly increase life expectancy . Your body will begin to recover immediately after the last smoking and continue to heal the lesions day by day, week, month, year after immediately after quitting.

What happens when you stop smoking?

Picture 2 of What will happen if you stop smoking now?

  1. Within 20 minutes immediately after smoking the last cigarette , your blood pressure and heart rate will begin to return to normal and increase blood circulation to the organs, providing more blood and oxygen to the body.
  2. 8 hours after smoking the last cigarette, the amount of carbon monoxide in the body is removed 100%, replaced by the amount of oxygen the body cells need to function normally.
  3. Twenty-four hours after the last cigarette, the chance of getting a stroke began to decrease by normalizing heart rate, blood pressure and blood oxidation.
  4. 48 hours after the last cigarette, the worn nerve end began to awaken, the sense of smell and taste began to recover.
  5. Between 2 weeks and 3 months right after the last cigarette, the circulation in the body continues to improve and you will feel easier to breathe. The lungs produce less mucus and the functions begin to improve markedly. The ability to perform bodily activities better, as well as a less breathless condition.
  6. From 1 month to 9 months after smoking the last cigarette, you will notice a significant reduction in the cough due to smoking. Decongestant congestion as well as fatigue and dyspnea seem to no longer exist. The hair-like structures lining your lungs will become more flexible, the lungs will function normally just like when you start smoking.
  7. One year after smoking the last cigarette, the likelihood of having a heart attack is reduced to half that of those who smoke.
  8. From 5 to 15 years after the last cigarette, you will not be more likely to have a stroke than non-smokers.
  9. 10 years after the last cigarette, the likelihood of developing lung cancer will be dramatically reduced. In addition, the ability to develop other cancers such as the mouth, neck, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas is also significantly reduced. Although you have no longer been smoking for 10 years, your chances of developing lung cancer are higher than those who have never smoked, but it will still be significantly reduced if you continue to smoke.

Why do people often have trouble quitting smoking?

Picture 3 of What will happen if you stop smoking now?

Most of us know very well the negative effects related to smoking, but why do we continue to smoke?

Only by: Nicotine .

Nicotine is an active ingredient in tobacco and causes us to start smoking the first time we smoke. Nicotine is an organic compound known as an alkaloid ( organic compounds containing basic heterocyclic nitrogen ), which can be found in the leaves of some plants, although they are mostly consumed. pass through tobacco. Nicotine can be found in coffee plants or Solanaceae, their plant relatives include tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and peppers. Meanwhile, Nicotine itself does not cause cancer, it contributes to the destruction process by preventing the activation of ultraviolet rays of dead cells, a process known to interfere with the ability to destroy cells. cancer cells in the body.

Picture 4 of What will happen if you stop smoking now?

When smokers try to cut down or give up smoking, they will experience unpleasant and uncomfortable feelings caused by the brain, a series of symptoms that require us to consume nicotine. Most smokers who give up addictive substances are not their choice. Quitting smoking causes too much discomfort and is really difficult to overcome. However, the use of Nicotine replacement therapy during smoking cessation has been successful and has helped many people in the process of quitting smoking.

Reference: How to quit smoking quickly and effectively?

Have you ever quit smoking? Is it successful or not? If successful, share that method with us in the comment section below!

Update 24 May 2019


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