What is your Chinese name?

TipsMake.com will introduce you a tool to see what your Chinese name is, to prove that the new Vietnamese version is not the same as the simplified Chinese transliteration.

After Phan An's tool of Vietnamese Vietnamese conversion into Vietnamese Vietnamese was launched, many young people were curious to type their names into the tool to check if using the new set of letters, their names would turn into that. Come on.

Many people say that this new Vietnamese character set is harder to read than teencode - the language that young people often use to text each other. However, because the project is still in the process of research and is not yet completed, it should be temporarily put aside the issue of this new Vietnamese character set here.

Today, TipsMake.com will introduce you to a mini game to see what your Chinese name is?

You can access this link.

Suppose your Vietnamese name is Dang Thanh Vinh, when switching to the new Vietnamese language, it will be: Dqq Wàn 'Vin', while changing to Chinese will be Nam Lang.

Picture 1 of What is your Chinese name?

It seems that Nam Lang and Dqq Wàn 'Vin', are not like each other, not even a bit related to each other. My Chinese name is Qi Tuyet Dong, I hear my daughter too :(

Hopefully this tool will help you get a real name "cry" when "on the pipe" like the swordplay.

See more: The Chinese translation application on quality phones

Update 25 May 2019


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