What is Pride Month? Why does Pride Month start in June?

What is Pride Month that when you type this keyword on Google this June, so many rainbows fly out (both online and offline). Let's read the article below to know what Pride Month is and why it starts in June.

Picture 1 of What is Pride Month? Why does Pride Month start in June?

What is Pride Month?

Pride Month is a month of pride for people in the LGBT community and takes place every June to peacefully protest and raise political awareness about current issues facing the LGBT community around the world. must face to face.

Every June, the LGBT community organizes many different Gay Pride events around the world such as pride parades, picnics, parties, music festivals. attracting millions Participants.

LGBT Pride Month is not only for those who are members of the LGBT community, or those who have recognized it, but also for those who no longer hold a grudge against LGBT people.

Picture 2 of What is Pride Month? Why does Pride Month start in June?

Why does Pride Month start in June?

Pride Month begins in June and takes place throughout the month to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall pub riot in Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York by gay people to resist a raid by US police.

This event is considered the first incident in US history when the LGBTQ community in this country protested against a government system aimed at punishing people with minority sexual orientations.

The Stonewall saloon riot became the event that marked the beginning of the fight for gay rights in the United States and around the world. The riots and protests that followed gave those in the LGBT community a voice in society, leading to the formation of the gay liberation front.

On June 28, 1970, a gay pride and equality parade took place in New York, with a route passing through The Stonewall Inn. This event became an annual tradition and continues to this day.

Update 03 June 2024


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