What is in-game FPS?

When you play online games, the term FPS will not be strange. So why is FPS so much concerned? And why does everyone want high FPS for? Let TipsMake.com go to solve these problems.

When you play online games, the term FPS will not be strange. So why is FPS so much concerned? And why does everyone want high FPS for? Let TipsMake.com go to solve these problems.

Picture 1 of What is in-game FPS?

FPS stands for Frame Per Second which is the number of images that appear per frame per second. It shows the ability of the graphics card to process images that can draw as many images on the user's screen. The higher the FPS , the stronger your computer or display card or PC system will be, the better the display image, the depth, and the game play smoothly. And vice versa, the lower the FPS, the game will play lag, very uncomfortable.

Normally our eyes see about 24 frames per second or 24fps, so people choose 24 fps is the basic speed for people to watch videos without jerky, often used for movies.

Picture 2 of What is in-game FPS?

30fps: that's the minimum FPS you want to play a game for. If higher than 30fps, the better, you can play the game smoothly without any inhibition or discomfort. However with combat scenes or half-bouncing combat, the figure of 30fps will not be enough for you to enjoy it.

And the 60 FPS figure in the game seems to be perfect for you to enjoy the game without feeling lag, smooth and smooth images. Of course, the higher the FPS, the better game experience you will have. For some gamers, the number 60 is still not enough when the type of screen with 120Hz or even 240Hz speed is increasingly popular.

If currently you only play the game offline, online normally, with the 60hz screen you just need a PC enough to pull the game up to 60 FPS only. Meanwhile, depending on your needs or interests, you need to invest in a processor chip to bring the game to higher FPS levels, such as 120 FPS with DOTA 2, or 300 FPS with CS: GO.

Picture 3 of What is in-game FPS?

You already know what FPS is, right? TipsMake.com recommends that you find ways to optimize the settings in the game to get the best FPS, the smoothest game play. Thank you for watching!

Update 19 May 2020


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