What is feedback?

If you often buy goods, especially online purchases, you often hear the term Feedback. So what does Feedback mean?

These days there are many words borrowed from English and used a lot in everyday life, maybe even replacing Vietnamese words due to its popularity as well as more concise speech than Vietnamese. Feedback is an English word but you see it appears a lot, especially when shopping on Facebook fan pages or shopping online. So what does this Feedback mean and in what cases is it used?

Meaning of Feedback

The word Feedback in English is translated as feedback , the operation of reversing the output (result) to the input (cause) of a system, which is the term in cybernetics that is found from immutable and diversity of organisms.

However, the feedback used in everyday life is simpler in the sense that it responds to information that is sent to you, used in many fields. The feedback information can be sent in a variety of ways such as email, messages, comments, direct reviews.

Picture 1 of What is feedback?

It can be understood simply that when you use a service , a product , your opinions about the quality of the product or service , the strengths or limitations that you respond to. is feedback . This is considered useful information for both buyers and sellers, when sellers receive feedback from customers to improve quality and other buyers also have a more objective view from many other buyers. .

Giving feedback from the buyer and the reaction of the seller when feedback is needed requires a culture of conduct. Whether negative or positive reviews need to choose the right and accurate assessments.

Update 05 March 2020


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