Warning: Grilling meat from foil has many potential health risks

Using foil to grill fish and meat is a habit of many people. However, during processing, the aluminum component in foil can seep into food, potentially causing harm to health.

Picture 1 of Warning: Grilling meat from foil has many potential health risks

A new study shows that using foil to cover food storage or cooking can also be harmful to our health.

Aluminum is found in foil and kitchen utensils such as pots, pans, ladles, spoons. If used incorrectly, these utensils can still be harmful to health.

With minimal exposure to aluminum, humans will not be affected by health effects because our bodies can excrete small amounts of aluminum very effectively.

According to World Health Organization (WHO) regulations, the safe daily consumption level is 40mg of aluminum per kilogram of body weight per day. That means the acceptable intake for a person weighing 60kg, is 2,400mg.

But in reality, most of us are exposed to and ingest more than the safe daily dose prescribed by the WHO.


Aluminum appears commonly around us such as in corn, yellow cheese, salt, herbs, spices., in kitchen utensils, in pharmacological agents such as antacids and antiperspirants.

Scientists have proven that excessive exposure to aluminum can pose a threat to human health. They discovered that part of the cause of Alzheimer's disease is high levels of aluminum in daily life. Aluminum is also harmful to some patients with bone disease or kidney failure, reducing the growth rate of human brain cells.

Avoid using foil when cooking

Pots and other cooking utensils tend to oxidize, forming an inert surface. This natural oxide layer prevents aluminum from penetrating into food during cooking.

However, the scrubbing process during cleaning of these utensils causes this natural oxide layer to wear away, allowing aluminum to leach into the food.

This problem can be easily fixed. When you buy a new aluminum pan, fill it with water and boil it a few times until the bottom turns dark to create a natural oxidation process that prevents leaching. This will be better for your food and your health.

However, foil is disposable so it cannot be created as an inert surface before use. According to research by scientists, during the process of grilling meat and fish in foil, the migration of aluminum into food is higher than the allowable limit set by the World Health Organization.

This study shows that you should not use foil for cooking, and do not wrap food in foil for too long, because food has a shelf life or the substances in it can cause aluminum to leach into the food.

Update 28 September 2023


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