Using USB Killer to destroy school computers, alumni face prison sentences of up to 10 years

Akuthota used a USB Killer device to install 66 computers in the school, causing the device to be badly damaged.

Police in Albany, New York (USA) have just arrested Vishwanath Akuthota, a 27-year-old alumnus of Saint Rose University for destroying computers in schools. Specifically, Akuthota used a device called USB Killer to install 66 computers in the school, causing the device to be seriously damaged. Losses caused by this incident amounted to nearly 60,000 USD.

USB Killer is a device that integrates capacitors, switching power circuits . can cause overload of current, causing the USB port and electrical circuits on the mainboard computer to burn. When connecting to a computer, it will cause your device to be completely damaged.

Picture 1 of Using USB Killer to destroy school computers, alumni face prison sentences of up to 10 years

Saint Rose University.Photo: The Verge.

Akuthota also returned to his entire "crime" process and these videos were evidence against him in court.

This foolish act of Akuthota caused him to face a fine of up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $ 250,000.

Picture 2 of Using USB Killer to destroy school computers, alumni face prison sentences of up to 10 years

USB Killer is widely sold online.

Akuthota was arrested by police on February 22, 1 week after 'causing a crime'.

Akuthota is an Indian citizen, and is living in the United States on visa issuance. In 2017, he earned a master's degree in business from Saint Rose and then went on to study computer information systems here.

However, Akuthota did not give any reason to explain the school's destruction of computer systems.

Update 24 May 2019


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